- Key People:
- Joseph Priestley
- Related Topics:
- nitrogen cycle
- nitric acid
- air
- biogenic gas
- liquid nitrogen
nitrogen (N), nonmetallic element of Group 15 [Va] of the periodic table. It is a colourless, odourless, tasteless gas that is the most plentiful element in Earth’s atmosphere and is a constituent of all living matter.
atomic number | 7 |
atomic weight | 14.0067 |
melting point | −209.86 °C (−345.8 °F) |
boiling point | −195.8 °C (−320.4 °F) |
density (1 atm, 0° C) | 1.2506 grams/litre |
usual oxidation states | −3, +3, +5 |
electron configuration | 1s22s22p3 |
About four-fifths of Earth’s atmosphere is nitrogen, which was isolated and recognized as a specific substance during early investigations of the air. Carl Wilhelm Scheele, a Swedish chemist, showed in 1772 that air is a mixture of two gases, one of which he called “fire air,” because it supported combustion, and the other “foul air,” because it was left after the “fire air” had been used up. The “fire air” was, of course, oxygen and the “foul air” nitrogen. At about the same time, nitrogen also was recognized by a Scottish botanist, Daniel Rutherford (who was the first to publish his findings), by the British chemist Henry Cavendish, and by the British clergyman and scientist Joseph Priestley, who, with Scheele, is given credit for the discovery of oxygen. Later work showed the new gas to be a constituent of nitre, a common name for potassium nitrate (KNO3), and, accordingly, it was named nitrogen by the French chemist Jean-Antoine-Claude Chaptal in 1790. Nitrogen first was considered a chemical element by Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier, whose explanation of the role of oxygen in combustion eventually overthrew the phlogiston theory, an erroneous view of combustion that became popular in the early 18th century. The inability of nitrogen to support life (Greek: zoe) led Lavoisier to name it azote, still the French equivalent of nitrogen.
Occurrence and distribution
Among the elements, nitrogen ranks sixth in cosmic abundance. The atmosphere of Earth consists of 75.51 percent by weight (or 78.09 percent by volume) of nitrogen; this is the principal source of nitrogen for commerce and industry. The atmosphere also contains varying small amounts of ammonia and ammonium salts, as well as nitrogen oxides and nitric acid (the latter substances being formed in electrical storms and in the internal combustion engine). Free nitrogen is found in many meteorites; in gases of volcanoes, mines, and some mineral springs; in the Sun; and in some stars and nebulae.
Nitrogen also occurs in mineral deposits of nitre or saltpetre (potassium nitrate, KNO3) and Chile saltpetre (sodium nitrate, NaNO3), but these deposits exist in quantities that are wholly inadequate for human needs. Another material rich in nitrogen is guano, found in bat caves and in dry places frequented by birds. In combination, nitrogen is found in the rain and soil as ammonia and ammonium salts and in seawater as ammonium (NH4+), nitrite (NO2−), and nitrate (NO3−) ions. Nitrogen constitutes on the average about 16 percent by weight of the complex organic compounds known as proteins, present in all living organisms. The natural abundance of nitrogen in Earth’s crust is 0.3 part per 1,000. The cosmic abundance—the estimated total abundance in the universe—is between three and seven atoms per atom of silicon, which is taken as the standard.

India, Russia, the United States, Trinidad and Tobago, and Ukraine were the top five producers of nitrogen (in the form of ammonia) in the early 21st century.
Commercial production and uses
Commercial production of nitrogen is largely by fractional distillation of liquefied air. The boiling temperature of nitrogen is −195.8 °C (−320.4 °F), about 13 °C (−23 °F) below that of oxygen, which is therefore left behind. Nitrogen can also be produced on a large scale by burning carbon or hydrocarbons in air and separating the resulting carbon dioxide and water from the residual nitrogen. On a small scale, pure nitrogen is made by heating barium azide, Ba(N3)2. Various laboratory reactions that yield nitrogen include heating ammonium nitrite (NH4NO2) solutions, oxidation of ammonia by bromine water, and oxidation of ammonia by hot cupric oxide.
Elemental nitrogen can be used as an inert atmosphere for reactions requiring the exclusion of oxygen and moisture. In the liquid state, nitrogen has valuable cryogenic applications; except for the gases hydrogen, methane, carbon monoxide, fluorine, and oxygen, practically all chemical substances have negligible vapour pressures at the boiling point of nitrogen and exist, therefore, as crystalline solids at that temperature.
In the chemical industry, nitrogen is used as a preventive of oxidation or other deterioration of a product, as an inert diluent of a reactive gas, as a carrier to remove heat or chemicals and as an inhibitor of fire or explosions. In the food industry nitrogen gas is employed to prevent spoilage through oxidation, mold, or insects, and liquid nitrogen is used for freeze drying and for refrigeration systems. In the electrical industry nitrogen is used to prevent oxidation and other chemical reactions, to pressurize cable jackets, and to shield motors. Nitrogen finds application in the metals industry in welding, soldering, and brazing, where it helps prevent oxidation, carburization, and decarburization. As a nonreactive gas, nitrogen is employed to make foamed—or expanded—rubber, plastics, and elastomers, to serve as a propellant gas for aerosol cans, and to pressurize liquid propellants for reaction jets. In medicine rapid freezing with liquid nitrogen may be used to preserve blood, bone marrow, tissue, bacteria, and semen. Liquid nitrogen has also proven useful in cryogenic research.