number system
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Assorted References
- analysis
- In analysis: Number systems
…references to a variety of number systems—that is, collections of mathematical objects (numbers) that can be operated on by some or all of the standard operations of arithmetic: addition, multiplication, subtraction, and division. Such systems have a variety of technical names (e.g., group, ring, field) that are not employed here.…
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- ancient Middle East
- In Middle Eastern religion: Association of religion with the arts and sciences
…goddess Ishtar and the deified number 15. The Moon was not only Earth’s satellite but also the lunar deity Sin and the deified number 30. The most perfect number was one, for by advancing from zero to one men believed they proceeded from nonexistence to existence. Moreover, all other whole…
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- In Middle Eastern religion: Association of religion with the arts and sciences
- contribution by Cantor
- In Georg Cantor: Early life and training
Consideration of the collection of numbers (points) that would not conflict with such a representation led him, first, in 1872, to define irrational numbers in terms of convergent sequences of rational numbers (quotients of integers) and then to begin his major lifework, the theory of sets and the concept of…
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- foundations of mathematics
- In foundations of mathematics: Number systems
While the ancient Greeks were familiar with the positive integers, rationals, and reals, zero (used as an actual number instead of denoting a missing number) and the negative numbers were first used in India, as far as is known, by Brahmagupta in the…
Read More - In algebra: The concept of numbers
…for the general conception of number, however. Some significant milestones may nevertheless be mentioned, and prominent among them was De Thiende (Disme: The Art of Tenths), an influential booklet published in 1585 by the Flemish mathematician Simon Stevin. De Thiende was intended as a practical manual aimed at teaching the…
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- history of science
- In history of science: The birth of natural philosophy
…convinced of the primacy of number when he realized that the musical notes produced by a monochord were in simple ratio to the length of the string. Qualities (tones) were reduced to quantities (numbers in integral ratios). Thus was born mathematical physics, for this discovery provided the essential bridge between…
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- physical sciences
- In principles of physical science: The development of quantitative science
…science is characteristically concerned with numbers—the measurement of quantities and the discovery of the exact relationship between different measurements. Yet this activity would be no more than the compiling of a catalog of facts unless an underlying recognition of uniformities and correlations enabled the investigator to choose what to measure…
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- religious symbolism
- In religious symbolism and iconography: Conceptual influences
Mathematical principles expressed in number symbolisms are used to organize the world of the gods, spirits, and demons, to describe the inner structure of human beings, and to systematize mythology and theology. The concepts of duality or polarity find expression as the body and soul of man, the divine…
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- symbolism in music
- In Johann Sebastian Bach: Symbolism
Number symbolism is sometimes pictorial; in the St. Matthew Passion it is reasonable that the question “Lord, is it I?” should be asked 11 times, once by each of the faithful disciples. But the deliberate search for such symbolism in Bach’s music can be taken…
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- writing systems
- In writing: Writing as a system of signs
Similarly, number systems have posed a problem for theorists because such symbols as the Arabic numerals 1, 2, 3, etc., which are conventional across many languages, appear to express thought directly without any intermediary linguistic structure. However, it is more useful to think of these numerals…
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characteristics of
- Austronesian languages
- In Austronesian languages: Numbers and number classifiers
’ Most Austronesian languages have a decimal system of counting, as illustrated in the
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- Mesoamerican Indian languages
- In Mesoamerican Indian languages: The Mesoamerican linguistic area
Vigesimal numeral systems—that is, numeral systems based on combinations of 20—as in Chol (Mayan) hun-k’al ‘20’ (1 × 20), cha’-k’al ‘40’ (2 × 20), ush-k’al ‘60’ (3 × 20), ho’-k’al ‘100’ (5 × 20), hun-bahk’ ‘400’ (1 × 400), chaʔ-bahk’ ‘800’ (2 × 400), and so…
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- In Mesoamerican Indian languages: The Mesoamerican linguistic area
philosophical considerations
- Pre-Socratics
- In Western philosophy: Metaphysics of number
All of the philosophies mentioned so far are in various ways historically akin to one another. Toward the end of the 6th century bce, however, there arose, quite independently, another kind of philosophy, which only later entered into interrelation with the developments just mentioned:…
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- Pythagoreanism
- In Pythagoras
…of the functional significance of numbers in the objective world and in music. Other discoveries often attributed to him (the incommensurability of the side and diagonal of a square, for example, and the Pythagorean theorem for right triangles) were probably developed only later by the Pythagorean school. More probably, the…
Read More - In Pythagoreanism: General features of Pythagoreanism
…of (1) the metaphysic of number and the conception that reality, including music and astronomy, is, at its deepest level, mathematical in nature; (2) the use of philosophy as a means of spiritual purification; (3) the heavenly destiny of the soul and the possibility of its rising to union with…
Read More - In Pythagoreanism: Background
…to understand the importance of number, measurements, and proportions. Popular cults and beliefs current in the 6th century and reflected in the tenets of Orphism introduced him to the notions of occultism and ritualism and to the doctrine of individual immortality. In view of the shamanistic traits of Pythagoreanism, reminiscent…
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- In Pythagoras
- rationalist epistemology
- In rationalism: Epistemological rationalism in ancient philosophies
…in the words “All is number.” It is probable that he had caught the rationalist’s vision, later seen by Galileo (1564–1642), of a world governed throughout by mathematically formulable laws.
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