orogenic belt
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- Devonian Period
- In Devonian Period: Occurrence and distribution of Devonian deposits
These fold belts may be distinguished from cratonic areas where sediments remain much as they were when formed. The main fold belts in North America are the Cordillera (western mountain ranges, including the Rocky Mountains) and the Appalachian belts to the east. In contrast, the Devonian…
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- geomorphic characteristics
- In mountain: Geomorphic characteristics
…parallel ridges and valleys termed fold belts, as, for example, in the Valley and Ridge province of Pennsylvania in the eastern United States. The more resistant rocks form ridges, and the valleys are underlain by weaker ones. These fold belts commonly include segments where layers of older rocks have been…
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- morphogenesis
- In continental landform: Orogenic and epeirogenic morphogenesis
Such mountain-building systems evolve in the special contexts of type, setting, and style. The principal orogenic varieties recognized are (1) mountains of continent-continent collision type formed by lithospheric plate interaction along continental margins, (2) mountains of the collision…
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- Ordovician Period
- In Ordovician Period: Plate tectonics
Orogenic (mountain-building) belts formed in the Ordovician wherever plates converged—at subduction zones and at collisions between continents and terranes, such as microplates (smaller fragments of continental plates), oceanic arcs (chains of volcanic islands), and oceanic plateaus. Subduction zones have been recognized along the Panthalassic margin…
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tectonic framework of
- Asia
- In Asia: Tectonic framework
…first-order classes: continental nuclei and orogenic (mountain-building) zones. The continental nuclei consist of platforms that stabilized mostly in Precambrian time (between roughly 4 billion and 541 million years ago) and have been covered largely by little-disturbed sedimentary rocks; included in that designation are the Angaran (or East Siberian), Indian, and
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- Australia
- In Australia: Tectonic framework
…are found in the growing fold belt of the Banda arcs and in New Guinea at the boundary between the Indian-Australian plate and the Eurasian and Pacific plates. The modern fold belts are separated from Australia by a “moat” (the Timor Trough) and a wide shelf (the Timor and Arafura…
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- North America
- In North America: Structural plan
…almost completely enclosed by younger orogenic belts (belts of former or actual mountain ranges resulting from crustal deformation related to subduction or continental collision). These lowlands include the Canadian (Laurentian) Shield and an interior platform of crystalline rock that is covered by a veneer of virtually flat-lying sedimentary rock.
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- South America
- In South America: The Trans-Amazonian cycle
…subdivided into three distinct groups: orogenic belts, such as the Maroni-Itacaiúnas belt of the Amazonia craton or the Salvador-Juazeiro belt of the São Francisco; stable cover rocks, such as the Chapada Diamantina formation in Bahia or the Carajás and Roraima platform deposits; and large extensional dike swarms (groups of tabular…
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