population explosion
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- major reference
- In history of technology: Population explosion
…come to grips with the population problem in the next few decades if life is to be tolerable on planet Earth in the 21st century. The problem can be tackled in two ways, both drawing on the resources of modern technology.
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- deterioration of environment
- In biology: Important conceptual and technological developments
…because of an increase in population pressure and certain technological advances. Lifesaving advances in medicine, for example, had allowed people to live longer and resulted in a dramatic drop in death rates (primarily in developed countries), contributing to an explosive increase in the human population. Chemical contaminants introduced into the…
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- modernization and industrialization
- In modernization: Population change
There have been two major population explosions in the course of human social evolution. By the end of the Paleolithic Period the world’s human population is estimated to have been between five and six million (an average of 0.1 person per square mile [0.04 person per square kilometre] of Earth’s…
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- term coined by Davis
- In Kingsley Davis
…demographer who coined the terms population explosion and zero population growth. His specific studies of American society led him to work on a general science of world society, based on empirical analysis of each society in its habitat.
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- In Kingsley Davis
influence on
- birth control
- In birth control: The population explosion
In 1790 a Venetian monk, Gianmaria Ortis, concluded that human population growth could not continue indefinitely. Malthus’s work a few years later stimulated more discussion and also provided the intellectual clue that inspired Charles Darwin’s theory of biological evolution through the survival of the fittest. The debate about human numbers…
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- urbanization
- In urbanization: Modern growth
…century, continued economic development and population growth fueled the generation of megalopolises—concentrations of urban centres that may extend for scores of miles. Examples of this phenomenon have appeared in the United States, on the northeastern seaboard and along the coast of southern California among other areas. Other megalopolises include the…
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- In urbanization: Modern growth