radioactive waste
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- major reference
- In nuclear power: Radioactive-waste disposal
Spent nuclear reactor fuel and the waste stream generated by fuel reprocessing contain radioactive materials and must be conditioned for permanent disposal. The amount of waste coming out of the nuclear fuel cycle is very small compared with the amount of waste generated…
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- actinoid elements
- In actinoid element: Practical applications of the actinoids
…also yield useless and dangerous radioactive wastes that, although they are pollutants, may be less undesirable than those from fossil-fuel generators. For this and other reasons, such as economy of operation, there is a potential for an enormous electrical energy production inherent in nuclear energy-generating technologies, and, since the actinoid…
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- ceramics
- In nuclear ceramics: Nuclear waste disposal
A 1,000-megawatt nuclear power reactor produces on the order of 20–25 tons of spent fuel per year. Spent fuel is initially stored for up to several decades underwater in storage pools. This allows the high-activity, short-half-life radioactivity to decay. Some…
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- hazardous-waste management
- In nuclear reactor: Geologic disposal
This means that all conditioned nuclear wastes are to be deposited in mined cavities deep underground. Shafts are to be sunk into a solid rock stratum, with tunnel corridors extending horizontally from the central shaft region and tunnel “rooms” laterally from the corridors. The waste would be emplaced (by remotely…
Read More - In hazardous-waste management: Hazardous-waste characteristics
Radioactive wastes emit ionizing energy that can harm living organisms. Because some radioactive materials can persist in the environment for many thousands of years before fully decaying, there is much concern over the control of these wastes. However, the handling and disposal of radioactive material…
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- Kili
- materials science
- In materials science: Radioactive waste
A different example is provided by the disposal of radioactive waste. Here the issue is primarily safety and the perception of safety rather than economics. Waste disposal will continue to be one of the factors that inhibit the exploitation of nuclear power until…
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- nuclear engineering
- In nuclear engineering: Nuclear-waste management
Nuclear wastes can be classified in two groups, low-level and high-level. Low-level wastes come from nuclear power facilities, hospitals, and research institutions and include such items as contaminated clothing, wiping rags, tools, test tubes, needles, and other medical research materials. Low-level waste is packaged in…
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- Nuclear Regulatory Commission
- In Nuclear Regulatory Commission
…disposal of nuclear materials and wastes, inspects nuclear-power plants and monitors both their safety procedures and their security measures, enforces compliance with established safety standards, and investigates nuclear accidents. The NRC’s commissioners are appointed by the president of the United States.
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- refuse disposal
- In radiation: Artificial sources
…are required for disposal of radioactive wastes from nuclear reactors, due in part to the slow rate at which certain fission products decay. A given amount of plutonium-239, for example, still retains about one-half of its radioactivity after 25,000 years, so that reactor wastes containing this long-lived radionuclide must be…
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- toxic waste
- In toxic waste: Types
Radioactive wastes include elements and compounds that produce or absorb ionizing radiation and any material that interacts with such elements and compounds (such as the rods and water that moderate nuclear reactions in power plants). Medical wastes are a broad category, spanning the range from…
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- Ural Mountains
- In Ural Mountains: Economy
…plant dumped large amounts of radioactive waste into the Techa River and the nearby Lake Karachay. A number of serious accidents at the plant caused the release of additional radioactive material into the environment; for example, in 1957 the explosion of a storage tank resulted in the contamination of 9,000…
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- In nuclear reactor: Fueling and refueling LWRs
The removed fuel stored in the storage pool not only is highly radioactive but also continues to produce energy (referred to as decay heat). This energy is removed by natural circulation of the water in the storage pool. During the 1960s, when the nuclear industry was…
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- underground innovations
- In tunnels and underground excavations: Potential applications
…ingenious method for disposal of nuclear waste by injecting it into fissured rock within a cement grout so that hardening of the grout reconverts the nuclear minerals into a stable rocklike state. Other disposal methods involve more tunneling, such as within salt, which has particularly good ability for shielding against…
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