Though the material that gives seawater its salty flavour is composed of many substances, sodium chloride, or common salt, is by far the predominant compound. On the assumption that 1 gallon (about 4 litres) of seawater contains 0.231 pound (about 105 grams) of salt and that rock salt on the average is 2.17 times as dense as water, it has been estimated that if the oceans of the world were completely dried up, they would yield at least 4.5 million cubic miles of rock salt, or about 14.5 times the bulk of the entire continent of Europe above the high-water mark.
Seawater contains on the average about 3 percent salt, although the actual concentration varies from about 1 percent (in the polar seas) to 5 percent. Enclosed waters such as the Mediterranean and Red seas contain a higher proportion of salt than does the open ocean at the same latitude. Irrespective of the source of the seawater, salt obtained by the evaporation of seawater has the following composition: sodium chloride 77.76 percent, magnesium chloride 10.88 percent, magnesium sulfate 4.74 percent, calcium sulfate 3.60 percent, potassium chloride 2.46 percent, magnesium bromide 0.22 percent, and calcium carbonate 0.34 percent.
Natural brines
Brine is water containing a high concentration of salt. Natural brines of commercial importance are found in the Dead Sea as well as in Austria, France, Germany, India, the United States, and the United Kingdom. Salt in brines is nearly always accompanied by chlorides and sulfates of potassium, calcium, and magnesium; carbonates and the element bromine often are present as well.
The Dead Sea, which covers an area of 1,020 square km (394 square miles), contains approximately 12,650,000,000 tons of salt. The Jordan River, which contains only 35 parts of salt per 100,000 parts of water, adds 850,000 tons of salt to this total each year.
The concentration of salts in the Dead Sea varies from 270 to 300 parts per thousand to a depth of 40 metres (130 feet); it increases gradually from 40 to 100 metres (130 to 330) feet and remains a fairly constant 332 parts per thousand below 100 metres. Dead Sea water is relatively free from sulfates and has a high proportion of potassium and bromine. Because atmospheric conditions favour evaporation by sunlight (solar evaporation) for about eight months of the year, the production of salt, potassium, and bromine is feasible in the Dead Sea area. The process used for recovery of salt and potash is similar to that described below under Salt manufacture. The Indian brines at Khārāghoda resemble seawater in the character of their dissolved salts but are much more concentrated and in some cases virtually saturated; that is, they have dissolved all the salt they can.
Certain natural brines occurring in the United Kingdom and the United States are of special interest because they contain salts, such as the chlorides of barium and strontium, that are not usually found in brines. Special processing methods are required to produce salt from such brines. In Britain these unusual brines are found at great depths during test drillings for petroleum, while in the United States such brines occur in deep wells in several places.
Frank Osborne Wood Robert H. RalstonRock salt
Rock salt is crystalline sodium chloride, called halite by mineralogists. It occurs widely in the form of rock masses and beds and is abundant in rocks from all geologic periods. Because of its great solubility in water, it occurs under extremely thick cover in humid regions but lies close to the surface in arid regions.
All major rock salt deposits originated from the evaporation of seawater at some time during the geologic past. Approximately 78 percent of the mineral matter in normal seawater is sodium chloride. Upon evaporation of about nine-tenths of the volume of seawater, rock salt is precipitated. Calcium sulfate (gypsum and anhydrite) and potassium and magnesium salts also are precipitated. Deposits are found in beds from a few feet to many hundreds of feet thick. The ages of these beds range through much of geologic time. Because evaporation of a large quantity of seawater leaves only a small amount of salt, it is theorized that many extremely thick rock salt beds were deposited in partly enclosed arms of the seas in which evaporation was greater than the inflow of salt water. A barrier on the seafloor at the entrance to the basin prevented the outflow of the concentrated saline water.
Such bedded salt deposits occur in the Punjab Salt Range in Pakistan and in Iran; however, these deposits have been little exploited. Similar deposits in the United States and Canada are worked extensively for both industrial and domestic use. Other important salt deposits, usually classified by the age of the surrounding rock, are found in Germany, Nova Scotia, the sub-Carpathian region extending from Poland through Hungary and Romania, and the province of Sichuan in China, where salt wells have been in existence for more than 2,000 years.
Another economically important type of rock salt deposit is the salt domes, which were formed when earth pressure forced up plugs of rock salt measuring approximately a mile across. The domes appear to result from pressure, which pushes the salt up through the rocks from depths as great as 50,000 feet (15,000 metres). Many domes occur at shallow depths and are extensively mined. Domes in the sub-Carpathian region of Europe have been worked since ancient times. The North German Plain has many extensively mined domes, which are thought to have originated below 6,000 feet; domes also are abundant along the U.S. Gulf Coast. Rock salt may be obtained from domes by the usual mining methods or by drilling wells into the salt strata and pumping water down to dissolve the salt; the brine is then returned to the surface, where it is processed like natural brine.
Frank Osborne Wood John M. Hills Robert H. Ralston