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- anatomy of inner ear
- In human ear: Vestibule
…of the hairlike cilia—stiff nonmotile stereocilia and flexible motile kinocilia—that project from their apical ends. The nerve fibres are from the superior, or vestibular, division of the vestibulocochlear nerve. They pierce the basement membrane and, depending on the type of hair cell, either end on the basal end of the…
Read More - In vestibular system: Vestibular structures
…of about 100 fine nonmotile stereocilia of graded lengths and a single motile kinocilium. The single kinocilium, which is larger and longer than the stereocilia, rises from a noncuticular area of the cell membrane at one side of the cuticular plate. The longest stereocilia are those closest to the kinocilium.…
Read More - In human ear: Organ of Corti
…a tuft of stiffly erect stereocilia, also containing actin, of graded lengths arranged in a staircase pattern. This so-called hair bundle has rootlets anchored firmly in the cuticular plate. On the top of the inner hair cells 40 to 60 stereocilia are arranged in two or more irregularly parallel rows.…
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- physiology of hearing
- In human ear: Transduction of mechanical vibrations
…is a hair bundle containing stereocilia, or sensory hairs, that project upward into the tectorial membrane, which lies above the stereocilia in the cochlear duct. (The single kinocilium, which is found on the hair cells of the vestibular system, is not found on the receptor cells of the cochlea.) When…
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role in
- balance and equilibrium
- In human ear: Detection of angular acceleration: dynamic equilibrium
, bending of the stereocilia toward the kinocilium—depolarizes the hair cells and increases the rate of discharge. Deflection away from the utricle causes hyperpolarization and decreases the rate of discharge. In superior canals these effects are reversed.
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- endocochlear potential
- In human ear: Transduction of mechanical vibrations
The stereocilia are graded in height, becoming longer on the side away from the modiolus. All the stereocilia are interlinked so that, when the taller ones are moved against the tectorial membrane, the shorter ones move as well. The mechanical movement of this hair bundle generates…
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- mechanical senses
- In senses: Mechanical senses
…typical internal fibre skeleton, and stereocilia, which do not have fibre skeletons. Stereocilia decrease in size with distance from the kinocilium and are functionally polarized. When the stereocilia are bent toward the kinocilium, the hair cell is excited, and the nerve fibre that contacts the cell fires action potentials. In…
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- semicircular canal
- In semicircular canal: Function
The hair cells form stereocilia, protrusions that extend into the crista. The longest of the stereocilia are the kinocilia, which point in a single direction and are sensitive to movement. The kinocilia extend from the crista into the cupula, a jellylike mass that surrounds the hair cells completely, separating…
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