tactile hair
Also known as: sensory hair
Learn about this topic in these articles:
structure of mechanoreception
- In mechanoreception: The sense of touch
…with such specialized structures as tactile hairs. The skin area served by one nerve fibre (or sensory unit) is called a receptive field, although such fields overlap considerably. Particularly sensitive, exposed body parts are sometimes called organs of touch—e.g., the tentacles of the octopus, the beak of the sandpiper, the…
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use by malacostracans
- In malacostracan: The nervous system and sensory organs
Tactile setae occur generally over the external surfaces and appendages, especially of the antennae, food-gathering limbs, and mouthparts. Tactile hairs are present in the statocysts (organelles of balance) located, for example, in the first peduncular segment of the antennules in amphipods and the superorder Eucarida.
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use in touch reception
- In touch reception
…types of receptors are common: tactile hairs and subcutaneous receptors.
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