Pain is the most common of all symptoms and often requires treatment before its specific cause is known. Pain is both an emotional and a physical experience and is difficult to compare from one person to another. One patient may have a high pain threshold and complain only after the disease process has progressed beyond its early stage, while another with a low pain threshold may complain about pain that would be ignored or tolerated by most people. Pain from any cause can be increased by anxiety, fear, depression, loneliness, and frustration or anger.
Acute pain serves a useful function as a protective mechanism that leads to the removal of the source of the pain, whether it be localized injury or infection. Chronic pain serves a less useful function and is often more difficult to treat. Although acute pain requires immediate attention, its cause is usually easily found, whereas chronic pain complaints may be more vague and difficult to isolate.
The ideal method for treating pain is to eliminate the cause, such as to surgically remove an inflamed structure, to apply hot compresses to a muscle spasm, or to set a fractured bone in a cast. Alternatives to drug therapy, such as physical therapy, are relied on whenever possible. Analgesic drugs (pain relievers) most often used to alleviate mild and moderate pain are the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as aspirin, ibuprofen, acetaminophen, or indomethacin. If these are ineffective, a weak opiate such as codeine, hydrocodone, or oxycodone may be prescribed. Severe pain not controlled by these agents requires a strong opiate such as morphine or meperidine. Because opiates are addictive, their use is controlled. In the United States, for example, opiate use is regulated by the Controlled Substances Act, and individuals prescribing or dispensing these drugs must register annually with the Drug Enforcement Administration. Each drug is assigned to one of five groups, from schedule I, which includes drugs that have the highest potential for abuse, to schedule V, which includes drugs with a limited dependence-causing potential.
Nausea and vomiting
Nausea and vomiting are common symptoms that may arise from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (including gastroenteritis or bowel obstruction), from medications such as analgesics or digoxin, or from nervous system disturbances such as migraines or motion sickness. Vomiting is controlled by a vomiting centre located in the medulla oblongata of the brainstem.
Identifying and treating the cause is important, especially if the condition responds well to treatment and is serious if not addressed. A bowel obstruction can occur as a result of adhesions from previous abdominal surgery. Obstruction or decreased bowel motility also can occur with constipation and fecal impaction. Such important and treatable causes must be ruled out before resorting to antiemetic (serving to prevent or cure vomiting) drugs. The most frequently used antiemetic agents are the phenothiazines, the most popular being prochlorperazine (Compazine). Antihistamines may be useful in motion sickness. Newer and more powerful drugs are needed to control the vomiting associated with cancer chemotherapy. Ondansetron is given to patients undergoing cancer chemotherapy, surgery, or radiation therapy with agents that cause severe nausea and vomiting. This drug is very effective in these patients.
Nausea and vomiting are experienced by more than 50 percent of pregnant women during the first trimester. These symptoms are referred to as morning sickness, although they can occur at any time of the day. They may be distressing, but they cause no adverse effect on the fetus. Drug therapy not only is unnecessary but should be avoided unless proved safe for the fetus. Treatment involves rest and intake of frequent small meals and pyridoxine (vitamin B6).
Acute diarrhea can result from food poisoning, laxatives, alcohol, and some antacids. Usually it is caused by an acute infection with bacteria such as Escherichia coli, Salmonella, and Staphylococcus aureus. These agents can enter the body on food, in water, or when contaminated objects (e.g., a teething ring) are put into the mouth. In infants, acute diarrhea is usually self-limiting, and treatment consists primarily of preventing dehydration. Traveler’s diarrhea affects up to half of those traveling to developing areas of the world. Preventive measures include chewing two tablets of bismuth subsalicylate (Pepto-Bismol) four times a day, drinking only bottled water or other bottled or canned beverages, and eating only fruits that may be peeled, canned products, and restaurant food that is thoroughly cooked. Avoiding dairy products, raw seafood and vegetables, and food served at room temperature also limits exposure. Severe cases require antibiotic therapy.
Coughing is a normal reflex that helps clear the respiratory tract of secretions and foreign material. It also can result from irritation of the airway or from stimulation of receptors in the lung, diaphragm, ear (tympanic membrane), and stomach. The most common cause of acute cough is the common cold. Chronic cough is most often caused by irritation and excessive mucus production that results from cigarette smoking or from postnasal drainage associated with an allergic reaction.
Treatment includes humidification of the air to loosen secretions and to counteract the drying effect of coughing and inflammation. Moist air from a vaporizer or a hot shower helps, as do hot drinks and soups. Antihistamines are often used to treat acute cough, but their value is questionable if an allergy is not present. They may also cause additional drying of the respiratory mucosa. Guaifenesin is widely used in cough preparations to help liquefy secretions and aid expectoration. Decongestants reduce secretions by causing vasoconstriction of the nasopharyngeal mucosa. The most common decongestants found in many cough preparations are pseudoephedrine, phenylephrine, and phenylpropanolamine. They may cause high blood pressure, restlessness, and urinary retention and should be used with caution in anyone being treated for hypertension. Narcotics are powerful cough suppressants, codeine being one of the most frequently used. Several safer nonnarcotic antitussive (cough-preventing) agents are available, such as dextromethorphan, which has almost equal effectiveness but fewer side effects. Most cough preparations containing dextromethorphan also contain a decongestant and an expectorant. Because coughing is an important defense mechanism in clearing secretions from blocked airways, a productive cough (one that produces secretions) should not be suppressed.