- Key People:
- C.T.R. Wilson
- Related Topics:
- lightning
- cloudburst
- microburst
- thunder
- ball lightning
- On the Web:
- CORE - Thunderstorms, charges and currents (PDF) (Feb. 09, 2025)
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When the stroke plasma is created, its temperature is at least 30,000 °C (50,000 °F), and the pressure is greater than 1,000 kilopascals (10 atmospheres). The channel pressure greatly exceeds the ambient (surrounding) pressure, and the return-stroke channel expands at a supersonic rate. The resultant shock wave decays rapidly with distance and is eventually heard as thunder once it slows to the speed of sound. Because it is estimated that only 1 percent of the input energy is stored in the particles and less than 1 percent is emitted as radiation in the visible and infrared region (4,000 to 11,000 angstroms [Å], where Å = 10−10 metre), it is probable that most of the energy dissipated goes into the energy of channel expansion, a process requiring no more than 10 to 20 microseconds.
Since light travels at about 300,000 km (186,000 miles) per second and the speed of sound is only about 0.33 km (0.2 mile) per second, the light from a discharge will always be seen before the sound arrives at an observer. The time delay between the bright flash of light and the arrival of the associated thunder can often be used to estimate the distance to a discharge. Every three seconds correspond to one kilometre, and every five seconds correspond to one mile.
The total thunder waveform comes from the entire lightning channel and includes the effects of channel branching and tortuosity, sound propagation in the atmosphere, and acoustic reflections from the local topography. The result is a series of sounds that are variously described as peaks, claps, rolls, and rumbles. At distances of a few hundred metres, thunder begins with a sudden clap followed by a long rumble; at larger distances, it begins with a rumble.
Triggered lightning
A small percentage of discharges between the cloud and ground are actually initiated at the ground and propagate upward to a charged region in the cloud. These discharges often are initiated (or triggered) by tall structures or by towers on hilltops. The upward branching of such discharges makes them visually distinguishable from their “right-side-up” counterparts, giving the impression of a cloud-to-ground lightning flash that is upside down.
Cloud-to-cloud and intracloud lightning
True cloud-to-cloud lightning is rare because most lightning flashes occur within a cloud. The first lightning flash in a thunderstorm is typically an intracloud discharge. When an intracloud discharge occurs, the cloud becomes luminous for approximately 0.2 to 0.5 second. The discharge is initiated by a leader that propagates between regions of opposite charge (or from a charged region to the neutral atmosphere). Luminosity is more or less continuous and has several pulses of higher luminosity of one-millisecond duration superimposed upon it. This situation suggests minor return strokes as the leader contacts pockets of opposite charge, but the similarity ends there. The total amount of the charge transfer is generally similar to the amount involved in a ground discharge: 10 coulombs, with a range from 0.3 to 100 coulombs. The mean velocity of propagation of intracloud lightning ranges from 104 to 107 metres per second. Electric currents associated with the luminous brightening are probably in the range of 1,000 to 4,000 amperes. Strikes to aircraft exhibit peak currents of only a few thousand amperes, about an order of magnitude less than currents in ground flashes—though sometimes the peak currents are large. Rise times to peak currents in cloud flashes are generally slower than those in return strokes. The amount of energy dissipated by intracloud flashes is unknown.