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Horizontal wind
High winds cause some of the most dramatic and damaging effects associated with tropical cyclones. In the most intense tropical cyclones, sustained winds may be as high as 240 km (150 miles) per hour, and gusts can exceed 320 km (200 miles) per hour. The length of time that a given location is exposed to extreme winds depends on the size of the storm and the speed at which it is moving. During a direct hit from a tropical cyclone, an area may endure high winds for several hours. In that time even the most solidly constructed buildings may begin to suffer damage. The force of the wind increases rapidly with its speed. Sustained winds of 100 km (62 miles) per hour exert a pressure of 718 pascals (15 pounds per square foot), while an approximate doubling of wind speed to 200 km (124 miles) per hour increases the pressure almost fivefold to 3,734 pascals. A building with a large surface area facing the wind may be subjected to immense forces. Some of the local variability in damage that is often observed during tropical cyclones is due to the direction that buildings face relative to the prevailing wind.
Horizontal winds associated with a tropical cyclone vary in strength depending on the area of the storm in which they occur. The strongest winds are located in the right-forward quadrant of the storm, as measured along the line that the storm is moving. The intensification of winds in this quadrant is due to the additive effect of winds from the atmospheric flow in which the storm is embedded. For example, in a hurricane approaching the East Coast of the United States, the highest and most damaging winds are located to the northeast of the storm centre.
The intense sustained winds present near the centre of tropical cyclones are responsible for inflicting heavy damage, but there is another wind hazard associated with these storms—tornadoes. Most tropical disturbances that reach storm intensity have tornadoes associated with them when they make landfall, though the tornadoes tend to be weaker than those observed in the Midwestern United States. The number of tornadoes varies, but about 75 percent of tropical cyclones generate fewer than 10. The largest number of tornadoes associated with a tropical cyclone was 141, reported in 1967 as Hurricane Beulah struck the Texas Gulf Coast in the United States.
Tornadoes can occur in any location near the centre of the storm. At distances greater than 50 km (30 miles) from the centre, they are confined to the northeast quadrant of Northern Hemisphere storms and to the southwest quadrant of Southern Hemisphere storms. How the tornadoes are generated is not clear, but surface friction probably plays a role by causing the wind to slow as the tropical cyclone makes landfall. Wind speeds near the surface decrease while those at higher levels are less affected, setting up a low-level horizontal rotation that becomes tilted into the vertical by updrafts, thus providing the concentrated spin required for a tornado.
Gusts, downbursts, and swirls
In addition to tornadoes, tropical cyclones generate other localized damaging winds. When a tropical cyclone makes landfall, surface friction decreases wind speed but increases turbulence; this allows fast-moving air aloft to be transported down to the surface, thereby increasing the strength of wind gusts. There is also evidence of tropical cyclone downbursts, driven by evaporative cooling of air. These downbursts are similar to microbursts that may occur during severe thunderstorms. The winds associated with them typically flow in a different direction than those of the cyclone, allowing them to be identified. Other small-scale wind features associated with tropical cyclones are swirls. These are very small, intense, and short-lived vortices that occur under convective towers embedded in the eyewall. They are not classified as tornadoes because their peak winds last only a few seconds. Swirls may rotate in either a counterclockwise or a clockwise direction, and their peak winds are estimated to approach 320 km (200 miles) per hour.