undersaturated rock
Learn about this topic in these articles:
felsic and mafic rock classification
- In felsic and mafic rocks
rocks as oversaturated, saturated, or undersaturated with respect to silica. Felsic rocks are commonly oversaturated and contain free quartz (SiO2), intermediate rocks contain little or no quartz or feldspathoids (undersaturated minerals), and mafic rocks may contain abundant feldspathoids. This broad grouping on the basis of mineralogy related to silica content…
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igneous rock
- In igneous rock: Chemical components
…nepheline, and leucite are termed undersaturated (with respect to silica), and the subsilicic rocks that contain them are termed undersaturated as well. In the case of rocks that have excess silica, the silicic rocks will have quartz and magnesium-pyroxene, which are considered saturated minerals, and the rocks that contain them…
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