variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
Also known as: new variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, nvCJD, vCJD
Learn about this topic in these articles:
bovine spongiform encephalopathy
- In bovine spongiform encephalopathy
…form of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (nvCJD) took the lives of dozens of people in Europe. In experiments with mice, researchers found that prions from human cases of nvCJD caused a disease pattern similar to that caused by prions from cows with BSE. The result suggested that the human infection is…
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Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
- In Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease: Transmission
…form of CJD (vCJD, or nvCJD). There is increasing evidence that these cases resulted from the consumption of tissues (notably nerve tissue) contaminated with the prion that causes bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), or mad cow disease.
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