chariot racing
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- ancient Olympic Games
- chariot
chariot racing, in the ancient world, a popular form of contest between small, two-wheeled vehicles drawn by two-, four-, or six-horse teams. The earliest account of a chariot race occurs in Homer’s description of the funeral of Patroclus (Iliad, book xxiii). Such races were a prominent feature of the ancient Olympic Games and other games associated with Greek religious festivals. They were the main events of the Roman public games (ludi publici) that took place at the Circus Maximus.
From four to six chariots competed in a single race, normally consisting of seven laps around the circus. The racing chariots were light, fragile affairs, easily smashed in a collision, in which case the driver was often entangled in the long reins and dragged to death or seriously injured.
Under the Roman Empire, the chariot teams were organized into four principal factions, each managed by a different association of contractors and each distinguished by a different colour: red, white, blue, and green. Enthusiasm for the favourite colour often led to disorder; Juvenal, the Roman satirist of the 1st and 2nd centuries ad, said that, if the greens lost, the whole city would be downcast, as if some great national defeat had occurred. In the later Empire these factions played a part in political and (after Christianization) religious controversies. Under Justinian, the blues were identified with Orthodoxy and the greens with Monophysitism, a heretical doctrine.