June 1941 marked the beginning of a dark episode in Lithuania’s history: amid World War II and the occupation of the country by Nazi Germany, on or about June 23 the slaughter of nearly the entire Jewish population of Lithuania began. Lithuania’s Jews had lived in the country for hundreds of years and, in the capital, Vilnius, had created a center of Jewish cultural life in eastern Europe that had lasted for 150 years. Before the war, Jews had amounted to about 7 percent of the country’s population; with an influx of refugees, especially from occupied Poland, that figure had risen to about 10 percent by 1941.

Lithuania was occupied by Soviet forces and annexed (1940) as a constituent republic of the Soviet Union. In June 1941, Germany invaded the Soviet Union and overran Lithuania. The people had hopes that through alliance with Germany, Lithuanian independence could be regained. As in all occupied countries, collaborators aided the Nazi occupation, and like many places in Europe, an anti-Semitic strain was present in the culture. Lithuanians had waged anti-Jewish mob violence even before the German occupation. When Nazi Einsatzgruppen (mobile killing units) began the large-scale murder of Lithuania’s Jews in late June, other Lithuanians were on hand to aid and abet them. The first pogrom may have been that of Gargždai, near the German border, where some 800 Jews were killed on June 23 and 24. In one of the largest massacres, more than 70,000 people were killed at Paneriai (Ponary), outside Vilnius, that summer.

Most rural Jewish communities in Lithuania had been wiped out by October 1941. The entire Jewish populations of towns such as Eishishok and Rakishok were rounded up and massacred. By the end of the year, only about 40,000 Jews of the original 250,000 or so remained alive after the depredations of the Germans and their Lithuanian auxiliaries. They were concentrated in ghettos in Vilnius, Kaunas, and several other cities, eventually to be deported to concentration camps.