Denizens of the Northern Hemisphere, brace yourselves. The autumnal equinox, usually occurring on September 22 or 23, means fall is officially here. The autumnal equinox is one of only two days—the other is the spring, or vernal, equinox—when the Sun is directly above the Equator, ostensibly dividing night and day into equal portions. On every other day of the year, either the Northern or Southern Hemisphere is inclined in the direction of the Sun because the Earth’s axis is tilted 23.4 degrees. This means that one hemisphere receives more sunlight than the other.

The term equinox derives from the Latin for “equal night,” which suggests that the day and night are exactly 12 hours each, but that isn’t quite the case. The day will actually be several minutes longer than the night because of variations in topography, which change the height of the horizon, and because of atmospheric refraction of solar rays, which creates the illusion that the Sun remains above the horizon longer than it actually does.

From now until the winter solstice, days will shorten and nights will lengthen. If you live in the Southern Hemisphere, by the way, it’s the first day of spring. Must be nice. While some may relish the dropping temperatures of autumn and the corresponding sartorial opportunities they afford, others dread the coming chill and the fleece-clad foot soldiers that it rouses from dormancy.