While border walls date back to ancient times, they have become of particular note in the 21st century, which has seen a dramatic increase in their number. Proponents claim that they limit illegal immigration, drug smuggling, and terrorism. Critics, however, assert that walls are ineffective and too costly—according to one report, countries generally spend $1 million to $10 million to build 0.5 mile of a border fence, with the maintenance being an additional expenditure. As the debate continues, we’ve come up with a list of some of the more notable border walls in history.

  • Great Wall of China

    Arguably the most famous border wall, the Great Wall of China is one of the world’s largest building-construction projects. Although widely believed to be about 5,500 miles long, in 2012 China released a (disputed) study that claimed the wall was actually 13,170 miles in length—more than half of the Earth’s circumference. Construction began in northern China in the 7th century BCE and continued for two millennia. Up to one million workers reportedly died during its construction—giving the wall the nickname “longest cemetery on Earth.” However, the wall did little to prevent invasions. In the early 13th century, for example, Genghis Khan and his Mongolian army easily breached the barrier. According to scholars, “the wall never worked” and provided more “political propaganda” than actual security.

  • Berlin Wall

    During Germany’s era of partition, after some 2.5 million people defected from Soviet-controlled East Germany, the country’s government decided to construct a wall to bar access to West Berlin and thus West Germany. Construction began on the night of August 12–13, 1961, and the system of walls and other security measures eventually extended 28 miles through Berlin and 75 miles (120 kilometers) around West Berlin. Despite featuring watchtowers, gun emplacements, and mines, the wall became the scene of highly publicized escapes, and some 5,000 East Germans are believed to have crossed. However, nearly 200 are thought to have died. The Berlin Wall became a prominent symbol of the Cold War, and in 1987 U.S. Pres. Ronald Reagan famously called on Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev to “tear down this wall!” Two years later, as the Soviet Union began to collapse, the wall was opened.

  • Great Wall of Gorgan

    Although not as well known as the Great Wall of China, this barrier in northern Iran lives up to its name. It was built in the 5th–6th century during the Sāsānian dynasty and was designed to repel attacks, mainly from the Hephthalites and Turks. The wall spans some 124 miles of modern-day Golestan province and includes nearly 40 forts. In addition to the barrier, an elaborate system of canals had to be constructed to provide water for the production of 200 million bricks. The bricks were red, inspiring the wall’s nickname: “the Red Snake.”

  • Belfast Peace Walls

    While new in comparison with others on the list, these are of note for defying the current trend—rather than being built, these walls are in the process of being dismantled. The Peace Walls (or Peace Lines) were first constructed in Belfast in 1969 in order to separate Catholic neighborhoods from those of Protestants. At the time, Northern Ireland was in the midst of the “Troubles,” a violent conflict between unionists (mainly Protestants), who wanted to remain part of the United Kingdom, and nationalists (Catholics), who sought to join Ireland. Approximately 100 walls and other barriers were eventually erected. However, rather than creating good neighbors, the fences were accused of fostering an “atmosphere of abnormality.” In 2013 the Northern Ireland government vowed to remove all of the walls by 2023, and the first Peace Wall was torn down in 2016.

  • Hadrian’s Wall

    This Roman barrier was built to protect northwestern Britain from barbarians. Work began at the behest of Roman Emperor Hadrian (ruled 117–138 CE), and it took about six years for 15,000 infantrymen to complete it. In addition to the wall itself, there were towers, fortlets (milecastles), and barracks. It was later expanded to some 73 miles, and it remained in use until about 410. The wall is a notable example of the Roman Empire’s military architecture. However, perhaps more importantly to some, Hadrian’s Wall inspired one of the most famous walls in pop culture, the great ice Wall in Game of Thrones.