The humble potato is native to the Peruvian-Bolivian Andes and was cultivated by the Incas as early as 1,800 years ago. Although the Incas domesticated hundreds of types of potatoes, the invading Spaniards only brought a handful of varieties back with them to Europe during the second half of the 16th century. By the end of the 17th century, one or two high-yielding varieties established the potato as the major crop in Ireland, whose rural poor had struggled to support themselves with traditional cereal grains. Given that potatoes are commonly propagated from the tubers rather than from the seeds, the country was soon abounding with genetically identical potato plants. It is estimated that by the early 1840s almost half of the Irish population had come to depend almost exclusively on the potato for their diet.

Enter Phytophthora infestans, a funguslike water mold with the ability to decimate potato plants with a disease known as late blight. It seems the pathogen did not accompany the original potatoes that were brought to Europe but instead was introduced to Ireland from North America in 1845. Late blight thrives in wet conditions, and, unfortunately for Ireland, the summer of 1845 was an especially wet one. Much of that year’s potato crop rotted in the fields, and the disease was established. With almost no genetic diversity in the potato crops, the water mold rapidly spread throughout Ireland, ruthlessly exploiting the identically vulnerable plants. This lead to devastating failures in 1846–49, as each year’s potato crop was almost completely ruined by the blight. 

The consequences of this Great Famine were dire. With no potatoes to eat or sell, the starving peasantry quickly became unable to pay their rents to their landlords. Hundreds of thousands of Irish tenant farmers and laborers were evicted, and many of them were sent to workhouses instead of being given famine relief. As many as two million Irish emigrated during the famine, many of whom made their way to North America. Of those who stayed in Ireland, about one million died from starvation or from typhus and other famine-related diseases. The British government’s grudging and ineffective measures to relieve the famine’s distress intensified the resentment of British rule among the Irish people, and, by the time Ireland achieved independence in 1922, its population was barely half what it had been in the early 1840s.