Casablanca, Coastal city (pop., 2004: 2,933,684), western Morocco. It occupies the site of the ancient city of Anfa, destroyed by the Portuguese in 1468. The Portuguese returned in 1515 and built a new town, Casa Branca (“White House”). Abandoned after an earthquake, it was occupied by a Moroccan sultan in 1757. European traders, including the French, began to settle there. In 1907, after French citizens were murdered there, French forces occupied the town. During the subsequent French protectorate, it became Morocco’s chief port. Since then, its growth and development have been continuous. In World War II (1939–45) it surrendered to the Allied Powers in 1942, and in 1943 the Casablanca Conference was held there.
Casablanca summary
Below is the article summary. For the full article, see Casablanca.
Morocco Summary
Morocco, mountainous country of western North Africa that lies directly across the Strait of Gibraltar from Spain. The traditional domain of indigenous peoples now collectively known as Berbers (self-name Imazighen; singular, Amazigh), Morocco has been subject to extensive migration and has long