HOT missile
Also known as: haut subsonique optiquement téléguidé tiré d’un tube, high-subsonic, optically teleguided, tube-fired missile
Learn about this topic in these articles:
- In rocket and missile system: Antitank and guided assault
…“light infantry antitank missile”) and HOT (haut subsonique optiquement téléguidé tiré d’un tube, or “high-subsonic, optically teleguided, tube-fired”) were similar in concept and capability to TOW.
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tactical weapons system
- In tactical weapons system: Surface-to-surface systems
TOW or the Franco-German HOT, a wire unreels behind the missile and the operator signals course corrections to a control mechanism inside the missile as it flies. Other missiles are guided by radio, infrared, and laser beams. The U.S. Copperhead is a laser-guided artillery projectile fired from a conventional…
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