The mass-produced automobile is generally and correctly attributed to Henry Ford, but he was not alone in seeing the possibilities in a mass market. Ransom E. Olds made the first major bid for the mass market with a famous curved-dash Oldsmobile buggy in 1901. Although the first Oldsmobile was a popular car, it was too lightly built to withstand rough usage. The same defect applied to Olds’s imitators. Ford, more successful in realizing his dream of “a car for the great multitude,” designed his car first and then considered the problem of producing it cheaply. The car was the so-called Model T, the best-known motor vehicle in history. It was built to be durable for service on the rough American country roads of that period, economical to operate, and easy to maintain and repair. It was first put on the market in 1908, and more than 15 million were built before it was discontinued in 1927.
When the design of the Model T proved successful, Ford and his associates turned to the problem of producing the car in large volume and at a low unit cost. The solution was found in the moving assembly line, a method first tested in assembling magnetos. After more experimentation, in 1913 the Ford Motor Company displayed to the world the complete assembly-line mass production of motor vehicles. The technique consisted of two basic elements: a conveyor system and the limitation of each worker to a single repetitive task. Despite its deceptive simplicity, the technique required elaborate planning and synchronization.
The first Ford assembly line permitted only very minor variations in the basic model, a limitation that was compensated for by the low cost. The price of the Model T touring car dropped from $950 in 1909 to $360 in 1916 and still lower to an incredible $290 in 1926. By that time Ford was producing half of all the motor vehicles in the world.
Spread of mass production
Ford’s success inspired imitation and competition, but his primacy remained unchallenged until he lost it in the mid-1920s by refusing to recognize that the Model T had become outmoded. More luxurious and better-styled cars appeared at prices not much higher than that of the Model T, and these were increasingly available to low-income purchasers through a growing used-car market. In Britain, William R. Morris (later Lord Nuffield) undertook to emulate Ford as early as 1912, but he found British engineering firms reluctant to commit themselves to the large-scale manufacture of automotive parts. Morris in fact turned to the United States for his parts, but these early efforts were cut short by World War I. In the 1920s Morris resumed the production of low-priced cars, along with his British competitor Herbert Austin and André-Gustave Citroën and Louis Renault in France. British manufacturers had to face the problem of a tax on horsepower, calculated on a formula based on bore and the number of cylinders. The effect was to encourage the design of small engines that had cylinders with narrow bore and long stroke, in contrast to the wide-bore, short-stroke engines favoured elsewhere. This design handicapped the sale of British cars abroad and kept production from growing. It was not until 1934 that Morris Motors finally felt justified in installing a moving assembly line; the Hillman Company had preceded Morris in this by a year or two.
Large-scale organization
Although the appearance of mass production in the automotive industry coincided with the emergence of large-scale business organization, the two had originated independently. They were related, however, and influenced each other as the industry expanded. Only a large firm could make the heavy investment in plant and tooling that the assembly line required, and Ford was already the largest single American producer when it introduced the technique. The mass producer in turn enjoyed a cost advantage that tended to make it increasingly difficult for smaller competitors to survive. There have been exceptions, but the trend has been consistent.
General Motors
General Motors Corporation (GM), which ultimately became the world’s largest automotive firm and the largest privately owned manufacturing enterprise in the world, was founded in 1908 by William C. Durant, a carriage manufacturer of Flint, Michigan. In 1904 he assumed control of the ailing Buick Motor Company and made it one of the principal American producers. Durant developed the idea for a combination that would produce a variety of models and control its own parts producers. As initially formed, General Motors included four major vehicle manufacturers—Buick, Cadillac, Oldsmobile, and Oakland—and an assortment of smaller firms. The combine ran into financial trouble in 1910 and was reorganized by a financial syndicate. A similar combination, the United States Motor Corporation, was formed in 1910, collapsed in 1912, and was reorganized as the Maxwell Motor Company. General Motors survived. A new reorganization took place after Durant, with backing by E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company, regained control in 1916. Durant, who had previously established the Chevrolet Motor Company, brought Chevrolet into GM in 1918.
Rise of the Big Three
At the end of World War I, Ford was the colossus, dominating the automotive scene with the Model T not only in the United States but also through branch plants throughout the world. British Ford was the largest single producer in the United Kingdom. GM was emerging as a potential major competitor in the United States. No other automotive firms of comparable size existed.
During the next decade there was a striking transformation. The depression of 1921 had far-reaching effects on the American automotive industry. GM was plunged into another financial crisis. Alfred P. Sloan became president of the corporation in 1923 and raised it to its unchallenged first place in the industry. Among other steps, he gave GM a staff-and-line organization with autonomous manufacturing divisions, which facilitated management of a large corporate structure and became the model for other major automotive combinations. Henry Ford also went through a crisis because the 1921 crash caught him involved in the construction of a large new plant (River Rouge) and in the process of buying out his stockholders. Ford weathered the storm (though many of his dealers, unable to sell cars and not permitted to return them, went out of business), but the Ford Motor Company had reached its crest.
The third member of the “Big Three” automotive manufacturers in the United States was created at this same time. When the Maxwell Motor Company failed in the 1921 depression, Walter P. Chrysler, formerly of General Motors, was called in to reorganize it. It became the Chrysler Corporation in 1925 and grew to major proportions with the acquisition of the Dodge Brothers company in 1928. When Ford went out of production in 1927 to switch from the Model T to the Model A (a process that took 18 months), Chrysler was able to break into the low-priced-car market with the Plymouth.
The independents
By 1929 the Big Three supplied three-fourths of the American market for motor vehicles; most of the remainder was divided among the five largest independents—Hudson, Nash, Packard, Studebaker, and Willys-Overland. In less than 10 years the number of automobile manufacturers in the United States dropped from 108 to 44. Some of the minor carmakers had technological or personal interests, including Nordyke and Marmon, makers of Marmon luxury cars, and E.L. Cord, who marketed front-wheel-drive cars between 1929 and 1937. The depression years of the 1930s eliminated all but the largest independent manufacturers and increased still further the domination of the Big Three. Motor vehicle production declined from a peak of more than five million in 1929 to a low of just over one million in 1932. It rose again slowly but had not returned to the 1929 figure when World War II broke out.
While these years were difficult economically, they saw some significant developments within the industry. Greater emphasis was placed on style in passenger-car design, with the general trend in the direction of incorporating the body, bumpers, and mudguards into a single pattern of smoothly flowing lines. A number of technical features came into general use: the V-8 engine, introduced by Ford in 1932; three-point engine suspension; freewheeling (permitting the car to coast freely when the accelerator was released); overdrive (a fourth forward speed); and, on a limited scale, automatic transmission.