At the close of World War II most military theorists considered that permanent fortifications of the type previously employed were economically impracticable in view of their vulnerability to the incredible power of nuclear explosives and the methods, such as vertical envelopment from the air, that might be employed to reduce them. Important exceptions to this generalization were the reinforced concrete and deep tunnels used to protect strategic-missile launch facilities. The United States, the former Soviet Union, and (to a lesser degree) France, Great Britain, Israel, and China invested heavily in such defensive works. Probably the most important and most characteristic of these works was the missile silo, a tubular structure of heavily reinforced concrete sunk into the ground to serve as a protective installation and launch facility for a single intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM). These silos were “hardened” to resist a calculated amount of blast and shock from a nuclear detonation. Launch crews were protected in similarly constructed underground bunkers nearby. Elaborate calculations on the number of ICBM warheads needed to destroy a hardened silo with a given degree of certainty became an integral part of the strategic calculus in the 1960s. In this way, permanent fortifications resumed their previous place of importance in strategic calculations.
Of particular concern to strategists of the United States and the Soviet Union was the vulnerability of land-based ICBMs to preemptive nuclear attack. Elaborate defensive works were proposed to protect them. One basing scheme involved a network of fortified missile shelters connected by roads or railroad tracks. Huge, closed missile transporters would shuttle the missiles from one shelter to another in such a manner that the enemy would not know which shelters were occupied and which were empty. An even more extreme plan for protecting the U.S. land-based ICBM force was designed around fratricide, the theory that multiple nuclear explosions cannot occur at the same time in close proximity to one another because the first detonated warhead triggers low-yield partial explosions in the others. The proposal, called dense pack, would exploit this phenomenon by packing a large number of super-hardened ICBM silos closely together in a single location.
Other permanent fortifications of the nuclear age were designed as headquarters sites or command and control installations. For example, a joint U.S.-Canadian project, the North American Air Defense Command (Norad), included a series of radar posts across northern Canada and Alaska to provide early warning of the approach of hostile bombers or missiles. The system and the aircraft and missiles supporting it were controlled from a vast underground complex embedded in the rock of Cheyenne Mountain near Colorado Springs, Colo.
William H. Baumer Charles B. MacDonald John F. Guilmartin