gravity dam
gravity dam, a concrete or masonry dam so proportioned that it will resist overturning and sliding forces by its own weight.
Form and mechanics
Concrete gravity dams usually run in a straight line across a broad valley and resist the horizontal thrust of the retained water entirely by their own weight. The three main forces acting on a gravity dam are the thrust of the water stored in the reservoir, the weight of the dam, and the pressure exerted by the foundation. It is also essential to consider the thrust exerted on the upstream face by silt deposited in the reservoir or by ice on the water surface, the inertial forces that can be caused by seismic action, and, in particular, the buoyant uplift force of water seeping under the dam or into the horizontal joints.
Given their large footprints, gravity dams can be destabilized by uplift from seepage, a problem that calls for the greatest of care in design and construction. Where a dam is founded on solid rock, a simple downward projection of concrete into the rock will generally suffice to cut off seepage and eliminate uplift pressures. Usually, however, the rock foundation is permeable, sometimes to considerable depths, so construction of an absolutely reliable cutoff is either difficult or impossible. Reliance must then be placed on an extensive system of grouting the fissured rock and on relieving uplift pressures by means of drainage. Many gravity dams possess both cutoffs and underdrainage and are not usually built on soil foundations.

Gravity dams are commonly constructed with unreinforced concrete and can be further strengthened by the use of posttensioned steel. A series of vertical steel rods near the upstream water face, stressed by jacks and securely anchored into the rock foundation, resist the overturning tendency of this more slender section. This system has also been used to raise existing gravity dams to a higher crest level, economically increasing the storage capacity of a reservoir. Gravity dams have a greater resistance to minor overtopping than earthfill dams. However, given that heavy spillage can erode the foundation at the downstream toe, gravity dams are often fitted with spillways to accommodate floodwaters.
Examples of gravity dams
Hoover Dam, built on the Colorado River at the Arizona-Nevada border between 1930 and 1936, is an outstanding example of a curved gravity dam built in a narrow gorge across a major river and employing advanced design principles. It has a height of 221 metres (726 feet) from its foundations, a crest length of 379 metres (1,244 feet), and a reservoir capacity of 37 billion cubic metres (48 billion cubic yards).
Of special interest are three concrete gravity dams that feature a straight sloping downstream face. Bratsk Dam, built across the Angara River at Irkutsk in Russia, was completed in 1964. It stands 125 metres (410 feet) above foundation level and, excluding the earthen side dams, is nearly 1,525 metres (5,000 feet) in length; it contains 4,500,000 cubic metres (5,900,000 cubic yards) of concrete. Grand Coulee Dam, completed in 1941, was built across the Columbia River in Washington state, U.S. Its main structure is 168 metres (550 feet) high and 1,592 metres (5,223 feet) long and contains almost 9,000,000 cubic metres (12,000,000 cubic yards) of concrete. Grande Dixence Dam in Switzerland, completed in 1962 across the narrower valley of the Dixence, has a crest length of 700 metres (2,296 feet) and contains approximately 5,960,000 cubic metres (7,790,000 cubic yards) of concrete. At 285 metres (935 feet) it was the highest dam in the world until the Nurek Dam on the Vakhsh River in Tajikistan was completed in 1980.