- Related Topics:
- subirrigation
- sprinkler system
- flood system
- basin system
- surface irrigation
- On the Web:
- CORE - Farm Irrigation Systems (PDF) (Jan. 29, 2025)
Various techniques have been tried to reduce losses of irrigation water. Two major sources of loss, particularly from surface supplies and surface systems, are evaporation and seepage from reservoirs and canals. Many studies have been made of techniques to suppress evaporation. One of the more promising appears to be application of a special alcohol film on the surface, which retards evaporation by about 30 percent and does not reduce the quality of the water. The primary problem in its use is that it is fragile; a strong wind can blow it apart and expose the water to evaporation. Another proposed strategy is to construct solar panels over water supply canals, which not only would shade the water and reduce evaporation but also would supply renewable energy without the loss of arable or wild lands.
Seepage has largely been controlled by lining main and distribution channels with impervious material, typically concrete. Other materials used are asphalt and plastic film, though plastic tends to deteriorate if it is exposed to sunlight.
Typical systems
The typical surface irrigation system utilizes a publicly developed water supply—e.g., a river-basin reservoir. The public project also constructs the main canals to take water from the reservoir to the agricultural land. In general the canals flow by gravity, but lift stations are often required. Supply and field canals are used to bring the water to the individual field, where it is applied to the land either by furrow or by flooding method.
Until recently most sprinkler irrigation systems depended on privately developed water supplies, but many modern sprinkler systems have been able to draw on public water supplies. In either case, a pump is required to pump water from a large well (3,785 litres, or 1,000 gallons, per minute or more) or a supply canal. The water goes into the system main and thence to a sprinkler unit. Many automatic or semiautomatic moving sprinkler systems travel over the field applying water. Two common units are the so-called centre pivot and the traveling sprinkler. The centre-pivot unit is anchored at the centre of the field; a long lateral (arm) with sprinklers mounted on it sweeps the field in a circle. The system has the disadvantage of missing the corners of a square field. A traveling sprinkler is mounted on a trailer and propelled across the field in a lane that has been left unplanted. The unit drags a flexible hose connected to the main supply line. When it reaches the end of the lane, it is automatically shut off and can be moved to the next lane. Despite some shortcomings, all sprinkler systems are effective in applying a controlled amount of water at a high level of efficiency with a minimum of labour.
Irrigation throughout the world
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), which keeps the most complete statistics on irrigated land, estimates that in the entire world some 275 million hectares (680 million acres) are irrigated. More than 130 countries report some acreage under irrigation. Asia irrigates close to 70 percent of the total area of the world that is irrigated; most of this is the large surface-irrigated rice-producing areas of China, India, Pakistan, and Southeast Asia. Sub-Saharan Africa has the lowest percentage of its cultivated lands irrigated. Sprinkler and localized irrigation methods are employed throughout the world and account for about 14 percent of the total area of irrigated land.
It is almost certain that the land area of the world improved by irrigation will continue to increase because the practice is one of the most elemental means of reclaiming and improving agricultural lands.
Benjamin A. Jones The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica