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Uranium mining and processing

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Uranium is extracted from ores whose uranium content is often less than 0.1 percent (one part per thousand). Most ore deposits occur at or near the surface; whether they are mined through open-pit or underground techniques depends on the depth of the deposit and its slope. The mined ore is crushed and the uranium chemically extracted from it at the mouth of the mine. The residue remains naturally radioactive, as it contains long-lived radioactive daughter nuclei of uranium and has to be carefully managed to minimize the release of radioactive contaminants into the environment. The uranium concentrate, which is known as yellow cake, consists of uranium compounds (typically 75 to 95 percent). It is shipped to a chemical plant for further purification and chemical conversion.


Several enrichment techniques have been developed, though only two of these methods are used on a large scale; these are gaseous diffusion and gas centrifuging. In gaseous diffusion, natural uranium in the form of uranium hexafluoride gas (UF6), a product of chemical conversion, is encouraged (through a mechanical process) to seep through a porous barrier. The molecules of 235UF6 penetrate the barrier slightly faster than those of 238UF6. Since the percentage of 235U increases by only a very small amount after traversal of the barrier, the process must be repeated over and over in thousands of stages to obtain the necessary enrichment for commercial nuclear power use.

In gas centrifuging, the UF6 gas is fed into a high-speed centrifuge. The centrifuge is balanced very well at the top bottom and spins at an extremely high rate. Because of the relative centripetal forces that each atom experiences, the lighter species of this mixture of gaseous molecules, including 235U, tend to concentrate near the centre of the spinning centrifuge, while the heavier ones accumulate along the wall. These mixtures are then siphoned off. The degree of enrichment per stage in a centrifuge is greater than that obtained in a gaseous diffusion chamber, and the process uses less energy than gaseous diffusion does, but centrifuges are more expensive pieces of equipment.

An experimental enrichment method with much commercial potential is laser separation. This process is based on the principle that isotopes of different molecular weight absorb light of different frequencies. Once a specific isotope has absorbed radiation and has reached an excited state, its properties may become quite different from the other isotopes; it is then separated on the basis of this difference. In one method known generically as MLIS (molecular laser isotope separation)—or commercially as SILEX (separation of isotopes by laser excitation)—gaseous UF6 is exposed to high-powered lasers tuned to the correct frequencies to cause the molecules containing 235U (but not 238U) to lose electrons. In this (ionized) form, the 235U-containing molecules are separated from the stream on the basis of their different electric charge. Proponents of laser separation claim that the method consumes less energy and wastes less starting material than, for example, gaseous diffusion.


This step involves the conversion of the suitably enriched product material to the chemical form desired for reactor fuel. The only fuel fabricated on a large scale is for light-water reactors (LWRs).

The chemical form prepared for the LWR is uranium dioxide. Produced in the form of a ceramic powder, this compound is ground to a very fine flourlike consistency and inserted into a die, where it is pressed into a pellet shape—in the case of some LWR fuels, approximately 6 mm in diameter and 10 mm in length (that is, about 0.25 × 0.4 inch). Next the pellet is sintered in a furnace at 1,500–1,800 °C (approximately 2,700–3,300 °F). This sintering, similar to the firing of other ceramic ware, produces a dense ceramic pellet. The pellets are loaded into prefabricated zirconium alloy cladding tubes, which are then filled with an inert gas and welded shut. Once the zirconium alloy tubes have been sealed, they go through significant testing to verify that there are no leaks. These tubes, called rods or pins, are then bundled together with proper spacing ensured by top and bottom manifolds through which the ends of the pins pass as well as spacer grids distributed along the middle portion of the pins. Together with other necessary hardware, the bundle constitutes a fuel assembly.

Fuel management

Fuel is loaded into a reactor in a very specific and well-controlled pattern so as to obtain the most energy production before the material becomes unusable. Fresh fuel is more reactive than old fuel. Typically, a reactor is fueled in cycles, each cycle lasting one to two years, and a fuel batch is kept in the reactor for three or four cycles. At the end of each cycle, the oldest fuel is removed—normally this consists of about one-third the fuel content in the core—and fresh fuel loaded. The partially burned fuel that remains, however, is shuffled before the fresh fuel is installed. The objective of this procedure is to achieve a fuel assembly arrangement of maximum reactivity while keeping the power distribution among the different fuel assemblies as even as possible and within technical specifications.

Fuel burnup—that is, energy production—is limited by two factors. After significant burnup has occurred, the physical properties of the fuel become degraded, and it is not prudent to continue to keep it in the reactor. Also, after some burnup, the old fuel no longer contributes useful reactivity to the reactor. The fuel design, including its initial enrichment, is such that these two limits are made to coincide approximately.

Unloading and cooling

Spent reactor fuel is extremely radioactive, and its radioactivity also makes it a source of heat (see above Fueling and refueling LWRs). When the spent fuel is removed from the reactor, it must continue to be both shielded and cooled. This is accomplished by placing the spent fuel in a water-storage pool, or spent-fuel cooling pool, located next to the reactor. The water in the pool contains a large amount of dissolved boric acid, which is a strong absorber of neutrons; this ensures that the fuel assemblies in the pool do not go critical. (Pool water is also a common source of emergency cooling water for the reactor.)

Pools vary in size; older spent-fuel cooling pools are able to accommodate only about 10 years’ worth of spent fuel. As the pools fill up, more spent fuel storage is needed. Additional storage space can be gained by loading spent fuel into the pool more densely than originally planned, by building a new pool, or by removing the oldest fuel assemblies from the existing pool and storing them in air-cooled concrete and steel silos—called spent-fuel storage casks—located aboveground. This last method becomes feasible after fuel has been stored in cooling pools for two or three years, because radioactivity and the rate of heat generation decrease rapidly over this period. Dense storage in existing pools and casks tends to be less expensive and more economical for utilities than building new pools.


Both the converted plutonium and residual uranium-235 in spent fuel can be recycled by chemically reprocessing the fuel and extracting the specific elements of interest. Reprocessing not only provides a means to recycle nuclear fuel, but it also can reduce the volume and radioactivity of the waste material that must ultimately be eliminated by some method of permanent disposal.

One motivation for reprocessing is ultimately to provide a “closed-loop” fuel cycle within the nuclear industry. Closed-loop refers to recycling with 100-percent efficiency of all materials that are fabricated for use as nuclear fuel (including the most commonly used fuel, uranium dioxide pellets). Though the goal of 100-percent efficiency has yet to be attained by any country’s nuclear industry, a closed-loop fuel cycle is not an unrealistic ambition, based on current progress in reprocessing technology. Many benefits would result from fuel recycling, including lower cost for fuel (once the recycling infrastructure was in place) and reduced quantities of spent fuel to be stored on reactor sites around the world.

Reprocessing methods

The most common method for reprocessing, known as the PUREX (for plutonium-uranium extraction) process, begins with dissolving the spent fuel in nitric acid and contacting the acid solution with oil in which tributyl phosphate (TBP) has been dissolved. TBP is a complexing agent for uranium and plutonium, forming compounds with them that bring them into the oil solution. A physical separation of the (immiscible) oil and acid serves to remove the desired products from the nitric acid solution (which still contains all the fission products). The uranium and plutonium are then washed out of the TBP back into a water solution and separated from each other by various means to the degree desired. Thus, reprocessing produces three product streams: (1) a purified uranium product, (2) a plutonium product that may be either pure or mixed with uranium, and (3) a waste stream of fission products dissolved in nitric acid.

Reprocessing policies

During the period of ambitious nuclear power plant construction in the United States in the 1950s and ’60s, it was generally assumed that after two to five years, spent fuel would be delivered to a reprocessing plant. Some commercial reprocessing plants were built or planned, but by the mid-1970s the cost of reprocessing had escalated to a point where its economics became questionable. Also, in 1977 Pres. Jimmy Carter, in order to take a public, symbolic stand against nuclear proliferation, declared that the federal government would permanently defer all permits for the commercial reprocessing and recycling of plutonium. Carter’s directive was rescinded by his successor, Ronald Reagan, and it has not been reinstated by any subsequent president. Even so, reprocessing is still not done commercially in the United States, partly because of the huge costs of building a reprocessing plant in a period when the supply of uranium ore has been sufficient to satisfy demand relatively cheaply.

Policy and institutional arrangements have been different in France and the United Kingdom, where commercial plants reprocess spent fuel not only from nuclear plants in the host countries but also from plants in other countries. The reprocessed plutonium can be used not only as fuel for proposed future liquid-metal reactors (LMRs) but also to help fuel existing LWRs. In the latter application, the plutonium is utilized in mixed oxide (MOX) form—a combination of uranium and plutonium dioxides having 3 to 6 percent plutonium.

A number of other countries, including Russia, India, Japan, and China, reprocess their spent fuel or plan to do so. The proactive reprocessing efforts of these countries have reduced the waste scheduled for long-term disposal to amounts well below those that are accumulating in countries that do not reprocess.