Development of the telegraph industry
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- On the Web:
- Magnetic Academy - Morse Telegraph – 1844 (Feb. 08, 2025)
Although railroad traffic control was one of the earliest applications of the telegraph, it immediately became a vital tool for the transmission of news around the country. In 1848 the Associated Press was formed in the United States to pool telegraph expenses, and in 1849 Paul Julius Reuters in Paris initiated telegraphic press service (using pigeons to cover sections where lines were incomplete). By 1851 more than 50 telegraph companies were in operation in the United States. One of the most significant was the New York and Mississippi Printing Telegraph Company formed by Hiram Sibley, which was soon consolidated with a number of other start-up telegraph companies into the Western Union Telegraph Company in 1856. Western Union became the dominant telegraph company in the United States. In 1861 it completed the first transcontinental telegraph line, connecting San Francisco to the Midwest and then on to the East Coast. After the Union Pacific Railroad was finished in 1869, much of the line was relocated to run along the railroad right-of-way to facilitate maintenance.
In Britain the Electric Telegraph Company was formed in 1845 to promote development of the needle telegraph system. As in the United States, development of the telegraph was carried out by highly competitive private companies, but a movement toward monopoly was strong. In 1870 the telegraph industry was nationalized and became part of the British Post Office.
Because of worldwide interest in applications of the telegraph, the International Telegraph Union was formed in 1865 to establish standards for use in international communication. In the following year the first successful transatlantic cables were completed.
Advances in telegraph technology
Signal processing and transmission
Soon after its introduction in Europe it became apparent that the American Morse Code was inadequate for the transmission of much non-English text because it lacked letters with diacritical marks. A variant that ultimately became known as the International Morse Code was adopted in 1851 for use on cables, for land telegraph lines except in North America, and later for wireless telegraphy. Except for some minor improvements in 1938, the International Morse Code has remained unchanged. It is no longer a major means of commercial or maritime communications, but it is still used by amateur radio operators.
New technology and devices kept appearing and led to a continual evolution of the telegraph industry during the latter half of the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century. By 1856 the register in the Morse system was replaced by a sounder, and the code was transcribed directly from the sounds by the operator. In 1871 J.B. Stearns of the United States completed refinement of the duplex transmission system originated in Germany by Wilhelm Gintl, which allowed the same line to be used simultaneously for sending and receiving, thus doubling its capacity. This system was further improved by the American inventor Thomas Alva Edison, who patented a quadraplex telegraph system in 1874 that permitted the simultaneous transmission of two signals in each direction on a single line. A major new concept was introduced in 1871 by Jean-Maurice-Émile Baudot in France. Baudot devised a system for multiplexing (switching) a single line among a number of simultaneous users. The heart of the system was a distributor consisting of a stationary face plate containing concentric circular copper rings that were swept by brushes mounted on a rotating assembly. The face plate was divided into sectors depending on the number of users. Each sector could produce a sequence of five on or off connections that represented a transmitted letter or symbol. The on/off connections were referred to as marks or spaces—in modern terminology, binary digits, or bits, consisting of ones or zeros—and the 32 possible symbols that they encoded came to be known as the Baudot Code. In the Baudot system, the transmitter and receiver had to be operated in synchrony so that the correct transmitter and receiver were connected at the same time. The first systems used manual transmission, but this was soon replaced with perforated tape. Variations of this system were used well into the 20th century; and it was the forerunner of what is now known as time-division multiplexing.
During this time of rapid change in the telegraph industry a new device, the telephone, was patented by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876. Although the telephone was originally expected to replace the telegraph completely, this turned out not to be the case: both industries thrived side by side for many decades. Much of the technology developed for telephony had parallel applications in telegraphy. A number of systems were developed that allowed simultaneous transmission of telegraph and telephone signals on the same lines. In 1882 the Western Electric Company was acquired from Western Union by the American Bell Telephone Company. Western Electric had started as a telegraph manufacturing company but later became a major contributor to both the telephone and telegraph industries.
The vacuum tube, patented by Lee De Forest in the United States in 1907, led to several improvements in telegraph performance and greatly intensified research efforts in telegraphy, telephony, and the emerging field of wireless communication. In 1918 modulated carriers with frequency-division multiplexing, in which several different frequencies are transmitted simultaneously over the same line, were introduced. At the receiving end the different signals were separated from one another by frequency-selective filters and sent to separate decoding units, thus allowing as many as 24 telegraph signals to be transmitted over a single telephone channel. Vacuum tube circuits were used to amplify and regenerate weak signals in a manner not previously possible. The development of new magnetic materials enabled more effective loading of transmission lines, thereby improving transmission speeds. In 1928 loading was first successfully applied to submarine cables to allow duplex operation, but it was not until 1950 that Western Union installed the first successful underwater vacuum tube repeater.
Printing telegraphs
In 1903 the British inventor Donald Murray, following the ideas of Baudot, devised a time-division multiplex system for the British Post Office. The transmitter used a typewriter keyboard that punched tape, and the receiver printed text. He modified the Baudot Code by assigning code combinations with the fewest punched holes to the most frequently encountered letters and symbols. Murray sold the patent rights to Western Union and Western Electric in 1912, and this formed the basis of the printing telegraph systems that came into use in the 1920s.
In 1924 the American Telephone & Telegraph Company (AT&T) introduced a printing telegraph system called the Teletype, which became widely used for business communication. The unit consisted of a typewriter keyboard and a simplex printer. Each keystroke generated a series of coded electric impulses that were then sent over the transmission line to the receiving system. There the receiver decoded the pulses and printed the message on a paper tape or other medium.
For many years teleprinters used the five-bit Baudot Code and, in some cases, other specialized codes. With the advent of computers, however, it became apparent that the Baudot Code was no longer adequate, and in 1966 the American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) was established. ASCII consisted of seven bits, compared with five bits for the Baudot Code; these allowed 128 different coded letters or symbols, as compared with 32 for the Baudot Code. Code speeds of 150 words per minute were possible with teleprinter systems using the ASCII code, as compared with 75 words per minute for those using the Baudot Code.
In 1932 AT&T inaugurated the Teletypewriter Exchange Service (TWX), a switched teleprinter network. Switching was accomplished manually until it was automated after World War II. In Europe a similar service called Telex was inaugurated in the early 1930s and was partially automated in Germany before World War II. In 1962 Western Union introduced Telex in the United States as an international teleprinter service, and in 1970 it acquired TWX from AT&T. It was not possible for the Telex and TWX instruments to communicate directly with one another because of differences in transmission codes and transmission speeds. Western Union linked the two services through a network of processing centres that made the necessary conversions between the two systems.