vacuum pump
Learn about this topic in these articles:
Hauksbee’s contribution
- In Francis Hauksbee, the Elder
…served as a pattern for vacuum pumps and remained in use with minor modifications for some 200 years.
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pump mechanics
- In pump: Electromagnetic pumps.
Vacuum pumps are simply compressors that take in gas at a pressure lower than atmospheric pressure, compress it, and discharge the gas at atmospheric pressure. Since gas at low pressures has a large volume, vacuum pumps tend to be bulky. Steam jet ejectors are extensively…
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vacuum applications
- In vacuum technology: Oil-sealed rotary pump
The pumps develop their full speed from atmosphere to about one torr, the speed then decreasing to zero at their ultimate pressures. One device of this type, useful for pumping both liquids and gases, is a two-bladed pump in which the rotor is eccentric to the…
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