A Hero of Our Time
A Hero of Our Time, novel by Mikhail Lermontov, published in Russian in 1840 as Geroy nashego vremeni. Its psychologically probing portrait of a disillusioned 19th-century aristocrat and its use of a nonchronological and fragmented narrative structure influenced Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Leo Tolstoy, and other major writers of Russian literature. It also presaged the antiheroes and antinovels of 20th-century Western fiction.
The novel is set in the Russian Caucasus in the 1830s. Grigory Pechorin is a bored, self-centred, and cynical young army officer who believes in nothing. With impunity he toys with the love of women and the goodwill of men. He impulsively undertakes dangerous adventures, risks his life, and destroys women who care for him. Although he is capable of feeling deeply, Pechorin is unable to show his emotions. One of the novel’s most important episodes is a duel between Pechorin and a fellow soldier, Grushnitsky, that ends with Grushnitsky dead and Pechorin shrugging indifferently. Pechorin is brave, determined, and willful, but his energies and potential are ultimately wasted.
In 1841, responding to critics of A Hero of Our Time, Lermontov wrote that

…the Hero of Our Time is indeed a portrait, but not of one individual—it’s a portrait composed of the vices of our entire generation in full flower.… But don’t think that the author of this book had any proud dream of correcting human vices.… May it suffice that the illness has been pointed out, but how to cure it—God only knows! (trans. by Elizabeth Cheresh Allen [Northwestern University Press, 2016])