Anna Christie
film by Brown [1930]
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discussed in biography
- In Clarence Brown: The 1930s
…first film in 1930 was Anna Christie, an adaptation of Eugene O’Neill’s play about a prostitute who finds true love. It was notable for being Garbo’s first sound film; the promotional tagline was “Garbo talks!” The actress returned for Romance (1930), in which she portrayed an Italian opera star. Brown…
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role of Garbo
- In Greta Garbo
…was MGM’s promotional tagline for Anna Christie (1930), Garbo’s first sound film. Her first spoken words on-screen—“Give me a whiskey”—revealed a husky resonant voice that added to her allure and her somewhat androgynous persona that has appealed to both genders throughout the years. It was also one of two films…
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