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- discussed in biography
- In Sir Philip Sidney
…his heroic prose romance, the Arcadia. It is typical of his gentlemanly air of assumed nonchalance that he should call it “a trifle, and that triflingly handled,” whereas it is in fact an intricately plotted narrative of 180,000 words.
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place in
- English literature
- In English literature: Sidney and Spenser
His Arcadia, in its first version (written c. 1577–80), is a pastoral romance in which courtiers disguised as Amazons and shepherds make love and sing delicate experimental verses. The revised version (written c. 1580–84, published 1590; the last three books of the first version were added…
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- humanistic tradition
- In humanism: Sidney and Spenser
The later, or “new,” Arcadia is an epic novel whose theoretical concerns include the dualities of contemplation and action, reason and passion, and theory and practice. In this ambitious and unfinished work, Sidney attempts a characteristically humanistic synthesis of Classical philosophy, Christian doctrine, psychological realism, and practical politics. Seen…
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- utopian poetry
- In utopian poetry
>Arcadia, written toward the end of the 16th century, is a benchmark in that it established the myth of Arcadia as a major emblem of the Renaissance. Arcadia is a generically hybrid text, written in prose interspersed with poetic eclogues in the manner of Virgil…
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- In utopian poetry