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home in Arras
- In Arras
…(Nemetacum or Nemetocenna) of the Atrebates, one of the last Gallic peoples to surrender to Julius Caesar. The woolen industry dates from the 4th century. The Middle Ages was a period of great material and cultural wealth, when Arras became the English word for tapestry hangings. The fortunes of the…
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role in Roman Britain
- In United Kingdom: The conquest
…river, the kingdom of the Atrebates ruled by Commius and his sons Tincommius, Eppillus, and Verica. Tasciovanus was succeeded in about 5 ce by his son Cunobelinus, who, during a long reign, established power all over the southeast, which he ruled from Camulodunum (Colchester). Beyond these kingdoms lay the Iceni…
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