Bread and Roses
film by Loach [2000]
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- discussed in biography
- In Ken Loach
Loach’s subsequent films included Bread and Roses (2000), starring Adrien Brody, which tells a story of janitors in Los Angeles in pursuit of better working conditions, and The Wind That Shakes the Barley (2006), an affecting portrait of Irish Republicans in 1920 during their fight against British rule. The…
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- In Ken Loach
role of
- Brody
- In Adrien Brody
…Heights (1999) and Ken Loach’s Bread and Roses (2000).
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- In Adrien Brody
- Lopez
- In George Lopez
…roles, notably in the dramas Bread and Roses (2000) and Real Women Have Curves (2002).
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- In George Lopez