Carpatho-Rusyn language
Learn about this topic in these articles:
East Slavic languages
- In Slavic languages: East Slavic: Russian, Ukrainian, and Belarusian
Carpathian, also called Carpatho-Rusyn, has sometimes been considered a language apart. In 1995 a codified form of it (Rusyn) was presented in Slovakia, thus enabling the teaching of Rusyn in schools.
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- In Rusyn: Rusyn (Ruthenian) language
…East Slavs (present-day Ukrainians and Carpatho-Rusyns) living in the Habsburg-ruled Austrian Empire. Today the name Rusyn refers to the spoken language and variants of a literary language codified in the 20th century for Carpatho-Rusyns living in Ukraine (Transcarpathia), Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, and Serbia (the
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