Chance and Necessity
book by Monod
Also known as: “Le Hasard et la nécessité”
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discussed in biography
- In Jacques Monod
…Hasard et la nécessité (1970; Chance and Necessity) argued that the origin of life and the process of evolution are the result of chance. Monod joined the staff of the Pasteur Institute in Paris in 1945 and became its director in 1971.
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French literature
- In French literature: The 1960s: before the watershed
…Hasard et la nécessité (1970; Chance and Necessity). Monod, who won the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine for 1965, rejected earlier ideologies, including religion, and drew on science for a view of the human place in the universe. The new technology seemed to promise endless growth and the erosion…
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