Chinese religion
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- celibacy
- In celibacy: The religions of Asia
Adherents of Chinese Daoism include monastics and independent celibate adepts. Although the tradition was probably derived originally from shamanism, Daoist monasticism and the Daoist priesthood are now modeled on Buddhist practices.
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- In celibacy: The religions of Asia
- classification
- In classification of religions: Philosophical
…Semites, the Egyptians, and the Chinese. Opposite these are the early Indian, Germanic, and Greek and Roman religions, in which the sense of freedom prevails. The religion of this group may also be seen in a different way, as nature religions in the less-developed cultures or as culture or humanitarian…
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- Confucianism
- In Confucianism
…philosophy and sometimes as a religion, Confucianism may be understood as an all-encompassing way of thinking and living that entails ancestor reverence and a profound human-centred religiousness. East Asians may profess themselves to be Shintōists, Daoists, Buddhists, Muslims, or Christians, but, by announcing their religious affiliations, seldom do they
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- Daoism
- In Daoism
…religio-philosophical tradition that has shaped Chinese life for more than 2,000 years. In the broadest sense, a Daoist attitude toward life can be seen in the accepting and yielding, the joyful and carefree sides of the Chinese character, an attitude that offsets and complements the moral and duty-conscious, austere and…
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- death rites
- demons
- In guei
Chinese religion, a troublesome spirit that roams the world causing misfortune, illness, and death.
Read More - In angel and demon: In the religions of the East
The demons of Chinese religions, the guei-shen, are manifested in all aspects of nature. Beside these nature demons there are goblins, fairies, and ghosts. Because the demons were believed to avoid light, the Chinese who were influenced by Daoism and folk religions used bonfires, firecrackers, and torches to…
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- In guei
- divination
- In divination: The structure of divination
Among the great cultures, the Chinese tradition has given the broadest scope to divination; yet there is no single Chinese religious cosmology, or theory on the ordering of the world, comparable to those of the Mayan, Sanskritic (Hindu), or Judeo-Christian traditions, from which the variety of popular practice can be…
Read More - In divination: Inductive divination
The related but more elaborate Chinese technique of tortoise shell divination was inspired by the idea of equating the carapace (back) and ventral (lower) shell with their view of a rounded sky over flat earth. Only the “earth” was inscribed and heated to produce signs. In general, however, artificial systems…
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- In divination: The structure of divination
- dualism
- In dualism: China
Classical Chinese thought—which began with the teaching of the philosopher Confucius (flourished early 5th century bce) and ended with the close of the Warring States period in 221 bce—upheld the notion of a dynamic universe and thus generally eschewed the radical dualism that emerged…
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- feasts
- In feast: Concepts of sacred times
…example, in areas influenced by Chinese religions. In order to frighten the kuei (evil or unpredictable spirits), which are believed to be dispersed by light and noise, participants in the New Year’s festival light torches, lanterns, bonfires, and candles and explode firecrackers. In 1953, when the first day of the…
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- In feast: Concepts of sacred times
- hell
- In hell: Buddhism
…and known as Guanyin in China and as Kannon in Japan), Kshitigarbha (known as Dizang in China and as Jizō in Japan), and the heroic monk Mulian (who interceded with the Buddha and won his mother’s release from torment in hell) are, therefore, important examples of this Mahayana teaching.
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- magic
- In magic: World cultures
For example, in China various practices such as divination through oracle bones, offerings to dead ancestors, and feng shui can be classified as either magic, religion, or science, but it is questionable whether these categories have any validity in Chinese thought; rather these so-called magical practices are an…
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- In magic: World cultures
- monotheism
- In monotheism: Monotheistic elements in Indian and Chinese religions
The religions of India and China show an astonishing multiplicity of form, but exclusive monotheism, unless imported or stimulated by foreign influences, seems to be absent. All other phenomena treated in this survey of monotheism, however, are to be found in their religions.…
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- nature worship
- In nature worship: The first among equals
In ancient China, heaven (tian) ruled over the many more popular gods and was even closely related to the representatives of the imperial household. Deification of the celestial emperor is a cultic practice that extends from Korea to Annam (part of Vietnam). The roots of the worship…
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- place gods
- prayer
- In prayer: Religions of the East
In Chinese Buddhism and Daoism, in addition to prayer that accompanies sacrifice, there is the monastic prayer (muyou), which is practiced morning, noon, and night to the sound of a small bell. There is also a prayer for the dead, related to the transmigration of souls,…
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- priesthood
- In priesthood: Buddhism, Daoism, and Shintō in China and Japan
In China the Daoist priesthood emerged as an organized institution in the 2nd and 3rd centuries ce. Some were celibates and others were married, living ordinary domestic lives. A number were mendicants and some engaged in alchemy and astrology; others were illiterate. There were also those…
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- prophecy
- In prophecy: Prophetic movements and figures in the Eastern religions
In ancient China, divination was commonplace. One Confucian book involving divination, the Yijing (“Classic of Changes”), may have been connected with pre-Han Confucianism (before the 3rd century bce). Classical Confucian tradition, however, emphasized the importance of rational process over inspiration and divination. Autocratic governments eliminated any such
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- In prophecy: Prophetic movements and figures in the Eastern religions
- religious dress and vestments
- In religious dress: Chinese religions
Court dress, sacrificial dress, and ordinary dress were all influenced in ancient China by the Confucian-inspired civil religion. The classical text for the Confucian ideal of deportment and dress is Book X of the Lunyu (Analects of Confucius), in which the emphasis is…
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- revelation
- In revelation: Chinese religions
Chinese wisdom, more world-affirming than the ascetical religions of India, accords little or no place to revelation as this term is understood in the Western religions, though Chinese traditions do speak of the necessity of following a natural harmony in the universe. Daoism,…
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- ritualistic objects
- In ceremonial object: Icons and symbols
…of the ancestors in ancient China, and other similar domestic cult objects. Many household cult objects are made from clay or terra-cotta and are sometimes multicoloured. The material of which major cult objects are composed is often explicitly defined and assumes a certain importance. If the statue is fashioned in…
Read More - In ceremonial object: Objects used in temple, state, and private ceremonies
…Brahmanic India, the Buddhist world, China, Japan, and other areas, as they still are in many places. The objects involved in such ceremonies are the same as those used in temple worship. Permanent altars, which are often placed near the entrance, contain statues, the tablets of the ancestors, and offerings…
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- sacrifice practices
- In sacrifice: Religions of China
In China sacrifice, like other aspects of religion, has existed at a number of different levels. The essential feature of imperial worship in ancient China was the elaborate sacrifices offered by the emperor himself to heaven and earth. There are also records…
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- soul
- In soul
…both the Egyptians and the Chinese conceived of a dual soul. The Egyptian ka (breath) survived death but remained near the body, while the spiritual ba proceeded to the region of the dead. The Chinese distinguished between a lower, sensitive soul, which disappears with death, and a rational principle, the…
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- In soul
- time
- In time: Environmental recurrences and religion
…cult of ancestors, important in Chinese religion and also in older civilizations and in precivilizational societies. The observation of the annual cycle of the seasons and its crucial effect on agriculture is reflected in a ceremony in which the emperor of China used to plow the first furrow of the…
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- purgatory
- In purgatory: Purgatory in world religions
In medieval Chinese Buddhism, the classical Buddhist understanding of rebirth and transfer of merit merged with traditional practices and beliefs concerning the veneration of ancestors and the placation of potentially troublesome ghosts. The Chinese Buddhist afterworld is perceived as an imperial bureaucracy in which the deceased is…
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