Globalization of the magic concept
- On the Web:
- UCL Discovery - Do You Believe in Magic? (PDF) (Jan. 25, 2025)
Western conceptions of magic, religion, and science were exported to other parts of the globe in the modern period by traders, conquerors, missionaries, anthropologists, and historians. European travelers in the 16th–19th centuries functioned as primitive ethnographers whose written observations are invaluable historical resources. However, their accounts, often coloured by their Judeo-Christian assumptions about religion versus magic, illuminate how indigenous peoples were treated as "children" to be educated or, in the case of some conquerors, as subhuman races to be enslaved. During the latter part of the 19th century, anthropologists began to analyze magic and its part in the evolution of the world’s religions. Their work was characterized by a fundamental distinction rooted in the magic-religion-science evolutionary model: the world is divided between historical, literate urbanized cultures, or “civilizations” (for example, the ancient traditions of East and South Asia) and nonliterate, tribal archaic, or "primitive," societies (such as those found in parts of Africa, the Americas, and Oceania). Historians viewed complex societies characterized by urbanization, centralization, and written traditions as more advanced and measured their progress as civilizations according to the evolutionary model. Nomadic, tribal, agricultural, or nonurbanized societies with strong oral traditions were often perceived by early European observers as developmentally stagnant people without history. While these views are no longer accepted, their residual effect is still felt in the way magic, religion, and science are conceptualized. Anthropologists of religion traditionally distinguished between the “religion” practiced by the world’s main faiths, which often marginalize magic as superstition, and the beliefs of small nonliterate societies in which “magic” may in fact be central to religious belief. Here the distinction between religion and magic seems unfounded. Indeed, as some postcolonial societies endeavour to distance themselves from Western logic, ancient religious traditions are pivotal to the reassertion of cultural identity and autonomy. West African Vodun (Vodou), which spread to the Caribbean, the Americas, and elsewhere, is one example of an indigenous religious practice that is tied to cultural identity in art, music, and literature and used subversively as a rallying point for postcolonial resistance to Western modes of rationality.
World cultures
The Western concept of magic as a set of beliefs, values, and practices that are not fully religious or scientific does not find its equivalent in non-Western languages and cultures; conversely, concepts found in other cultures may be untranslatable into English or a Western framework. For example, Hawaiian historian David Malo (c. 1793–1853), discussing Christianity and traditional Hawaiian religion, found hoˋomana (to make, to do, or to imbue with supernatural, divine, or miraculous power) the closest translation for English religion, contrary to its characterization by Westerners as a magical component in Polynesian beliefs. Furthermore, a modern Japanese dictionary uses a transliteration, majikku, for the English word magic. It also uses the English word magic to translate several Japanese words beginning with ma-, the kanji character representing a vengeful spirit of the dead (in East Asian folk belief, an ancestor not cared for properly; in Buddhist cosmology, an evil demonic figure). While superficially similar to the Christian notion of magic as demonic, the cosmologies regarding these demons differ significantly. Moreover, ma- does not have the range of meanings that magic has in Western thought.
On the other hand, specific practices identified as magic—e.g., divination, spells, spirit mediation—are found worldwide, even if the word magic is not. For example, in China various practices such as divination through oracle bones, offerings to dead ancestors, and feng shui can be classified as either magic, religion, or science, but it is questionable whether these categories have any validity in Chinese thought; rather these so-called magical practices are an intrinsic part of the worldviews expressed in China’s main religious and philosophical systems (ancestor worship, Confucianism, Daoism, and Buddhism). In modern China, some communities deal with crisis by combining seemingly contradictory practices—including supplication and coercion of gods, appeals to ancestral spirits, folk cures, and modern inoculations. Such syncretism has been common in East Asia; notably, in 6th-century Japan the native nature worship of Shinto blended with imported forms of Buddhism without the kind of conflict that occurred during the conversion of Europe to Christianity. In modern East Asia, conflict between magic, religion, and science introduced by Western concepts of magic occurs alongside a strong tradition of syncretism that blends empirical science with practices that Westerners often perceive as unscientific magic or religious superstition.
Asian religious traditions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, and Daoism teach that material life is illusory. This mode of rationality focuses on understanding the principles and spiritual forces that lie behind physical experience. Consequently, adepts in these traditions who have achieved a level of understanding of these cosmic forces often appear to have the ability to manipulate physical reality in ways that seem magical. The point of demonstrations by street magicians and snake charmers in India is to show the illusory quality of material reality in order to draw attention to the universal, timeless, and cosmic. Purposeful deception in magic is thus used to illustrate the deceptiveness of human apprehensions of reality. The mystical component of magic is also clear in Tantra and other esoteric and nonconformist sects of Hinduism or Buddhism, which use mystical words, symbols, and diagrams in their rituals. Whether these practices are magic or religion depends upon one’s point of view.
Postcolonial points of views
Anthropological and sociological studies of modern nonliterate societies in the Americas, Oceania, and Africa have given rise to new global terminology. Beginning in the second half of the 20th century, some sociologists and anthropologists turned the tables on earlier scholarship by applying the methods used for examining extant nonliterate (“primitive”) societies to literate, urban societies of the past, which previously had been evaluated by the criteria reserved for the study of “civilizations.” For example, the phenomenon of shamanism and the word shaman, as defined by Mircea Eliade (1907–86) in his exploration of ecstatic states, has been applied not only to “primitive” cultures but to premodern Christian Europe. Likewise the term mana (“power”), appropriated from Melanesian and Polynesian cultures by Émile Durkheim and Marcel Mauss (1872–1950), has been widely applied to magical practices in historical civilizations, including that of Classical Rome.
History of magic theories
Because of the impact of anthropological theory on the study of magic, its development and history bear reviewing. The first important figure in this line of inquiry was Sir Edward Burnett Tylor, whose Primitive Culture (1871) regarded magic as a "pseudo-science" in which the "savage" postulated a direct cause-effect relationship between the magical act and the desired outcome. Tylor regarded magic as "one of the most pernicious delusions that ever vexed mankind," but he did not approach it as superstition or heresy. Instead he studied it as a phenomenon based on the "symbolic principle of magic," a scheme of thought founded on a rational process of analogy. He also realized that magic and religion are parts of a total system of thought. Although he believed that magic and animistic beliefs became less prevalent in the later stages of history, he did not view magic and religion as alternative stages in the evolutionary development of mankind.
That conclusion would be left for Sir James Frazer in The Golden Bough (1890), in which he ordered magic, religion, and science in a grandiose evolutionary scheme. Magic preceded religion because, according to Frazer, the former was logically more simple. This notion, however, was a based on his erroneous assumption that the Australian Aborigines, examples of a “primitive” people, believed in magic but not in religion.