film by Zemeckis [1997]
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- Tarter
- In Jill Tarter
…Carl Sagan’s novel Contact (1985; film adaptation 1997), in which Arroway leads a project that receives the first message from an extraterrestrial intelligence.
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role of
- Foster
- In Jodie Foster
In 1997 Foster starred in Contact, an adaptation of the science-fiction novel of the same name by Carl Sagan. Subsequent films in which she acted included the thrillers Panic Room (2002), Inside Man (2006), and The Brave One (2007); the satirical comedy Carnage (2011); and the
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- McConaughey
- In Matthew McConaughey
…philosophically with Jodie Foster in Contact (1997), based on Carl Sagan’s novel about communication with aliens, and he heisted banks as one of the titular brothers in Linklater’s The Newton Boys (1998). His performance in EDtv (1999), a comedy about a man who becomes an early reality television star, was…
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