Course in General Linguistics
Saussure’s lectures
Also known as: “Cours de linguistique générale”
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- discussed in biography
- In Ferdinand de Saussure
…Cours de linguistique générale (1916; Course in General Linguistics), a reconstruction of his lectures on the basis of notes by students carefully prepared by his junior colleagues Charles Bally and Albert Séchehaye. The publication of his work is considered the starting point of 20th-century structural linguistics.
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significance in
- linguistics
- In linguistics: Structural linguistics in Europe
…Cours de Linguistique Générale (Course in General Linguistics) of Ferdinand de Saussure. Much of what is now considered as Saussurean can be seen, though less clearly, in the earlier work of Humboldt, and the general structural principles that Saussure was to develop with respect to synchronic linguistics in the…
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