De Morgan laws
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- formulation by De Morgan
- In Augustus De Morgan
…logic include the formulation of De Morgan’s laws and work leading to the development of the theory of relations and the rise of modern symbolic, or mathematical, logic.
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- valid formulas of PC
- In formal logic: Validity in PC
…… nor …,” the first De Morgan law can be read as “both p and q if and only if neither not-p nor not-q”; thus it expresses the principle that two propositions are jointly true if and only if neither of them is false. Whenever, as is the case in…
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use in
- foundations of mathematics
- In foundations of mathematics: Nonconstructive arguments
…proved with the help of De Morgan’s laws, named after the English mathematician and logician Augustus De Morgan (1806–71). It asserts the equivalence of ∃yϕ(y) with ¬∀y¬ϕ(y), using classical logic, but there is no way one can construct such an x, for example, when ϕ(x) asserts the existence of a…
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- probability theory
- In probability theory: Measure theory
…complements of those sets (DeMorgan’s law), it follows from (ii) and (iii) that, if A1, A2,… ∊ M, then A1 ∩ A2 ∩ ⋯ ∊ M.
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