film by Machatý [1932]
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discussed in biography
- In Gustav Machatý
…to Sunday), and Ekstase (1933; Ecstasy). The last—starring Hedy Kiesler (later Hedy Lamarr) as an unsatisfied wife in search of passion—made Machatý world famous but also brought him trouble with the enforcers of the Hays Production Code. Even absent its nudity and sexual content, which are tame by 21st-century standards,…
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significance to Lamarr
- In Hedy Lamarr
…the Czech film Extase (1932; Ecstasy), in which she briefly but tastefully appeared in the nude. Her burgeoning career was halted by her 1933 marriage to Austrian munitions manufacturer Fritz Mandl, who not only prohibited her from further stage and screen appearances but also tried unsuccessfully to destroy all existing…
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