Edict of Restitution
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- disapproval by Wallenstein
- In Albrecht von Wallenstein: Rise to power
…and strongly disapproved of Ferdinand’s Edict of Restitution (1629) restoring to the Catholics all ecclesiastical lands in which Protestantism had been established after 1552.
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- rescindment by Peace of Westphalia
- In Peace of Westphalia: The decisions
…emperor Ferdinand II in his Edict of Restitution (1629). Moreover, the peace settlement extended the Peace of Augsburg’s provisions for religious toleration to the Reformed (Calvinist) church, thus securing toleration for the three great religious communities of the empire—Roman Catholic, Lutheran, and Calvinist. Within these limits the member states of…
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- support of Ferdinand II’s Counter-Reformation
- In Ferdinand II: Ferdinand and Wallenstein
Ferdinand’s Edict of Restitution (1629), which forced Protestants to return to the Roman Catholic church all property seized since 1552, revealed to the German princes the threat of imperial absolutism. Their opposition forced Ferdinand in 1630 to dismiss Wallenstein, the mainstay of his power. The victorious…
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- In Ferdinand II: Ferdinand and Wallenstein
history of
- Austria
- In Austria: The Bohemian rising and the victory of the Counter-Reformation
…1629 Ferdinand’s attempt in the Edict of Restitution (Restitutionsedikt) to establish religious unity by force throughout the empire provoked the violent opposition of the Protestants.
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- Germany
- In Germany: The Thirty Years’ War and the Peace of Westphalia
…March of that year the Edict of Restitution, by which Protestant rulers were to restore to the church more than 500 bishoprics, monasteries, abbeys, and other ecclesiastical properties secularized since 1552.
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- Thirty Years’ War
- In history of Europe: The triumph of the Catholics, 1619–29
…on March 28, 1629, an Edict of Restitution was issued which declared unilaterally that all church lands secularized since 1552 must be returned at once, that Calvinism was an illegal creed in the empire, and that ecclesiastical princes had the same right as secular ones to insist that their subjects…
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