Fūshi kaden
work by Zeami Motokiyo
Learn about this topic in these articles:
discussed in biography
- In Zeami
…most important is the collection Fūshi kaden (1400–18; “The Transmission of the Flower of Acting Style,” also known as the Kaden sho), “flower” representing the freshness and appropriateness of fine acting—written as manuals for his pupils, Zeami said the actor must master three basic roles: the warrior, the woman, and…
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influence on Nō theatre
- In acting: Genuine and feigned emotion
…Transmission”), also known as the Kaden sho. Zeami’s teachings, originally intended for his descendants in the Kanze school of Nō, discuss both philosophical and practical considerations regarding actors’ training, and his concerns for constant training and discipline anticipate many modern approaches to acting.
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