Ḥovevei Ẕiyyon
Zionist organization
Also known as: Hibbat Zion, Hibbat Ziyyon, Love of Zion, Lovers of Zion
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formation by Pinsker
- In Leo Pinsker
…a newly formed Zionist group, Ḥibbat Ẕiyyon (“Love of Zion”), made him one of its leaders. In 1884 he convened the Kattowitz (Katowice, Pol.) Conference, which established a permanent committee with headquarters in Odessa. Although Ḥibbat Ẕiyyon (later Ḥovevei Ẕiyyon [“Lovers of Zion”]) was crippled by lack of funds, it…
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role of Aḥad Haʿam
- In Aḥad Haʿam
…Jewish nationalist movement known as Hibbat Zion (“Love of Zion”). There he was influenced both by Jewish nationalism and by the materialistic philosophies of the Russian nihilist D.I. Pisarev and the English and French positivists. After joining the central committee of Hibbat Zion, he published his first essay, “Lo ze…
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