Hurrian religion
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- importance in Mesopotamian history
- In history of Mesopotamia: The Hurrian and Mitanni kingdoms
Native sources on the religion of the Hurrians of the Mitanni kingdom are limited; about their mythology, however, much is known from related Hittite and Ugaritic myths. Like the other peoples of the ancient Middle East, the Hurrians worshiped gods of various origins. The king of the gods was…
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development of
- Anatolian religions
- In Anatolian religion: Religions of the Hittites, Hattians, and Hurrians
In the southeast were the Hurrians, comparatively late arrivals from the region of Lake Urmia. The Hattians, whose language appears to have become extinct, were most probably the earliest inhabitants of the kingdom of Hatti itself.
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- Syrian and Palestinian religions
- In Syrian and Palestinian religion: Other early gods
… in northeastern Syria, where a Hurrian population was ruled by an Indo-Aryan aristocracy in the third quarter of the 2nd millennium. Little is known of the religion of the Hurrians beyond the names and general character of their chief gods: Teshub, a storm god, and his consort Hepat; their son,…
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