Hyacinthus, in Greek legend, a young man of Amyclae in Laconia. According to the usual version, his great beauty attracted the love of Apollo, who killed him accidentally while teaching him to throw the discus; others related that Zephyrus (or Boreas) out of jealousy deflected the discus so that it hit Hyacinthus on the head and killed him. Out of his blood there grew the flower called hyacinthos (perhaps a fritillary; not the modern hyacinth), the petals of which were marked with the mournful exclamation AI, AI (“Alas”). The flower was also said to have sprung from the blood of Ajax, the son of Telamon.
The death of Hyacinthus was celebrated at Amyclae by the second most important of Spartan festivals, the Hyacinthia, in the Spartan month Hyacinthius. Probably an early summer festival, it lasted three days, the rites gradually passing from mourning for Hyacinthus to rejoicing in the majesty of Apollo. This festival was clearly connected with vegetation and marked the passage from the youthful verdure of spring to the dry heat of summer and the ripening of the grain.
Hyacinthus was undoubtedly a pre-Hellenic god. The precise relation that he bore to Apollo is obscure, but he was eventually assimilated to Apollo’s cult. Certain aspects of his own cult suggest that he was an underworld vegetation deity whose death was mourned like that of Adonis.