Karakitai dynasty

Central Asian dynasty
Also known as: Black Kitai, Karakhitan state, Qara Khitay, Western Liao, Xi Liao dynasty

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Assorted References

  • founding by Yelü Dashi
    • In Yelü Dashi

      …first emperor (1124–43) of the Xi (Western) Liao dynasty (1124–1211) of Central Asia.

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  • Central Asia in the Middle Ages
    In history of Central Asia: The Khitans

    …Dashi’s leadership and created the Karakhitan (Black Khitai, or Western Liao) state. Its centre lay in the Semirechye and the Chu valley, where the city of Balāsaghūn was located. Founded by the Sogdians, Balāsaghūn was by then occupied by the Muslim Karakhanids (Qarakhanids), a Turkish people closely related to the…

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  • opposition to Sanjar
    • Sultan Sanjar and the Old Woman
      In Sanjar

      …Central Asian tribes under the Karakitai, with whom the Turkish Qarluqs of Transoxania made common cause. Sanjar suffered a terrible defeat near Samarkand in 1141; Transoxania was lost, and the Karakitai established a distant suzerainty over Khwārezm. Sanjar maintained his hold over Khorāsān in spite of Atsiz, but he had…

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  • relations with Khwārezm-Shāhs
    • In Khwārezm-Shāh dynasty

      …Sanjar by the Karakitai (Qara Khitay) confederation of northern China, the rulers of Khwārezm were forced to acknowledge the overall sovereignty of the Karakitai.

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    • Iran
      In Iran: The Khwārezm-Shahs

      …tributary status to the non-Muslim Karakitai empire of Central Asia. They endeavored to emulate the Seljuqs by following an expansionist policy in Iran south of the Oxus. Saʿd ibn Zangī, in his relations with the Khwārezm-Shah, set the pattern his successor Abū Bakr followed later. These atabegs saved Fārs from…

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  • rule of Mongolia
    • Mongolia
      In Mongolia: Ethnography and early tribal history

      …and briefly powerful empire, the Karakhitai. It ruled primarily over Turkic-speaking peoples, made up of nomads and city dwellers in the oases, and the Khitan nucleus had the opportunity to apply its knowledge of how to deal with nomads and administer a bureaucracy.

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