film by Fosse [1974]
Learn about this topic in these articles:
discussed in biography
- In Bob Fosse: From Broadway to Cabaret
…the big screen—and left musicals—with Lenny (1974), a biopic of tragic comic Lenny Bruce, whose controversial routines resulted in charges of obscenity and various arrests. Julian Barry adapted and expanded his own play, and Fosse elected to shoot the film in black and white. But the core of the movie…
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role of Hoffman
- In Dustin Hoffman
…self-destructive comic Lenny Bruce in Lenny (1974), and an ex-convict who cannot resist the lure of crime in Straight Time (1978). The decade also saw Hoffman playing journalist Carl Bernstein as he and Bob Woodward (Robert Redford) investigate the Watergate scandal in All the President’s Men (1976).
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