Lex Romana Burgundionum
Germanic law
Also known as: Papian Code of Gundobad
Learn about this topic in these articles:
development of Germanic law
- In Germanic law
The Lex Burgundiorum and the Lex Romana Burgundiorum of the same period had similar functions, while the Edictum Rothari (643) applied to Lombards only.
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laws for Gallo-Roman subjects
- In Burgundy: History of Burgundy
…and a separate code, the Lex Romana Burgundionum, for his Gallo-Roman subjects. This Burgundy remained independent until 534, when the Franks occupied the kingdom, extinguishing the royal dynasty.
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promulgation by Gundobad
use in French society
- In France: Germans and Gallo-Romans
…for the Gallo-Roman population (Papian Code of Gundobad; Breviary of Alaric). By the 9th century this principle of legal personality, under which each person was judged according to the law applying to his status group, was replaced by a territorially based legal system. Multiple contacts in daily life produced…
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