Linquan Gaozhi
work by Guo Xi
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discussed in biography
- In Guo Xi
…collected notes on landscape painting, Linquan Gaozhi (“Lofty Record of Forests and Streams”), describes with much detail the purposes and techniques of painting and is a valuable aid to understanding the landscape painting of the Northern Song dynasty. Few of his paintings have survived; among the works that may be…
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observations on landscape painting
- In Chinese painting: Song (960–1279), Liao (907–1125), and Jin (1115–1234) dynasties
…Gao Si under the title Linquan Gaozhi (“Lofty Record of Forests and Streams”). In addition to giving ideas for paintings and notes on the rules of the art, in this work he stresses that the enjoyment of landscape painting can function as a substitute for wandering in the mountains, an…
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