- French:
- Médicis
- Role In:
- Renaissance
Alessandro’s death did not terminate the Medici family’s power in Florence. A younger branch of the family, descendants of the Lorenzo who had been the brother of Cosimo the Elder, now came forward. Cosimo de’ Medici (1519–74), great-great-grandson of Lorenzo, became duke of Florence, then grand duke of Tuscany (1569), and reigned as Cosimo I. He established a new dynasty that perpetuated the family’s traditional regard for the arts and sciences. The descendants of Cosimo I, who ruled over Florence and Tuscany as grand dukes into the 1700s, included the following major figures.
Francis (1541–87), son of Cosimo I, was known equally as a suspicious despot, a tax master who nearly ruined the nation’s economy, and an estimable patron of the arts and sciences. He favoured the goldsmith Benvenuto Cellini; and his interest in science, particularly chemistry, led to establishment of a Florentine porcelain factory. Francis’s daughter became the queen of France as the wife of Henry IV and is known in history as Marie de Médicis.
Ferdinand I (1549–1609), younger brother of Francis and a cardinal when he succeeded to the grand duchy, showed more tact and experience in administration and, during his reign, brought Tuscany to new heights of stability and prosperity. He was the founder of the Villa Medici at Rome and the purchaser of many priceless works of art, such as the Niobe group and many other statues that he afterward transported to Florence. After his accession he retained the cardinal’s purple until the time of his marriage. He was in most respects his brother’s opposite.
Cosimo II (1590–1621), older son of Ferdinand I, reigned during a period when Europe was relatively at peace and when Tuscany’s abundant harvests helped to feed Europe and make Tuscany rich. From then on, however, a general decay set in. Ferdinand II (1610–70), oldest son of Cosimo II, was followed by his only living son and heir, Cosimo III (1642–1723), who in turn was followed by an only son, Gian Gastone (1671–1737), who died without issue. The European powers in 1738 transferred the grand duchy to the dukes of Lorraine, related to the Austrian imperial house.
The older Medicean line had generally honoured the republican ambitions of the people of Florence. The younger line established an authoritarian rule that had both advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, constitutional forms and movements toward democratic government disappeared. On the other hand, Florence acquired a degree of stability that it had never known under the descendants of Cosimo the Elder. Despite the new stability, the city dwindled as a centre of art, science, and scholarship. The descendants of Cosimo I married into most of the royal houses of Europe; to a greater or lesser extent they preserved the family name and the family fortune, but, ruling mainly by military force, they seem in the context of history to have reduced the city’s role and importance as a centre of creative artistic effort and cultural renaissance. The grand ducal line disappeared with the death of Cosimo III’s daughter Anna Maria Luisa (1667–1743), widow of the elector palatine John William of Neuburg; she bequeathed all the art treasures of the Medici to the grand duchy and to Florence. Engraved on her tomb in the Cappella dei Principi (Chapel of the Princes) are the words Ultima della stirpe reale dei Medici (“Last of the royal Medici line”).